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How To Set Up Firebase In Your Bare React Native Project For Android

Using Firebase in your bare React Native app is not as straightforward as it seems. But, you probably know that already. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have clicked on this article 😉.

Let’s get to the point and jump right into this tutorial.

Unsplash Image by Mohammad Rahmani

Photo by Mohammad Rahmani on Unsplash

Setting Up Firebase

Make a new project in Firebase. Then create an ‘android’ app in Firebase and follow the rest of this short tutorial.

Important note: You can find your Android package name inside your android/app/build.gradle file as the namepace field or in the android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml file in the manifest tag.

Do This Inside Your React Native Project

Install npm install --save @react-native-firebase/app in your react native project.

Download the google-services.json file and place it in your android/app directory.

Add classpath '' inside your android/build.gradle file.

Inside your android/app/build.gradle file, add to the code:

apply plugin: ''
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Find Instructions for IOS here.

You should be set up with Firebase now. Well, that was a short tutorial. If you liked this article, follow me on Medium and Subscribe to my newsletter.

Happy Coding Folks!

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