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HTML Forms: Back to Basics

Nick Taylor on March 28, 2019

Let's forget frameworks and libraries for a moment. Today we’re just going to talk about the <form /> element and some of the things you can ...
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Sophie The Lionhart

Not necessarily relevant to forms per se, but also in talking about document.querySelectorAll in dev tools, they include the nice jQuery $ for selecting things so now you can(only in dev tools) do $('form') instead of document.querySelectorAll('form').

I think that's pretty neat because when I have to open up dev tools and query the dom, things have gone strange. Also in the element view of the dev tools, the find function allows css query selectors as well as xPaths.

gypsydave5 profile image
David Wickes

Good article! It's bits of knowledge like this that make front end development fun.

Is that Kid'n'Play?

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Yes that is Kid 'n' Play. 😎

gypsydave5 profile image
David Wickes

Feeling old now... 🧓