DEV Community

Discussion on: Set up a new React project with TypeScript, ESLint and Prettier

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Nick Taylor

Nice! Just wanted to mention another alternative to CRA in case you weren’t aware, TSDX.

It was created by Jared Palmer and it’s endorsed by the TypeScript team. It handles multiple project types including React.

GitHub logo jaredpalmer / tsdx

Zero-config CLI for TypeScript package development


Blazing Fast Blazing Fast Blazing Fast Greenkeeper badge

Despite all the recent hype, setting up a new TypeScript (x React) library can be tough. Between Rollup, Jest, tsconfig, Yarn resolutions, ESLint, and getting VSCode to play nicely....there is just a whole lot of stuff to do (and things to screw up). TSDX is a zero-config CLI that helps you develop, test, and publish modern TypeScript packages with ease--so you can focus on your awesome new library and not waste another afternoon on the configuration.



Looking forward to your next post!