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Nicky Meuleman
Nicky Meuleman

Posted on • Originally published at

Rust: expression vs statement

TL;DR: Expressions evaluate to a value, they return that value.
Statements do not.

Statements are instructions that do something, they don't return a value.
Expressions evaluate to a value, they return that value.

Rust is an expression-oriented language.
This means that most things are expressions, and evaluate to some kind of value.
However, there are also statements.

Steve Klabnik (member of the Rust core

Assigning a value to a variable is a statement, it doesn't return anything.

let num = 5;

Expressions can be part of a statement.

While the line above is a statement, it contains an expression (something that evaluates to a value).
In this case, the value itself, the integer 5.

Variable assignment being a statement is the reason you can't assign a value to the result of another assignment.
You can in many other languages, not in Rust.

The following snippet would try to assign "nothing" to the also_num variable, that's an error!

let also_num = (let num = 5); // error!

Statements technically return something. Rust's way to express "nothing here", the empty tuple ().

Function bodies are made up of a series of statements, optionally ending in an expression.

Expressions do not include ending semicolons.
If you add a semicolon to the end of an expression, you turn it into a statement, which will then not return a value.

If a function ends in an expression, it returns the value of that expression.

A function definition is a statement, it does not result in a value.
Calling a function is an expression, that expression evaluates to whatever that function call returns.

let num = add(4, 1);

fn add(x: i32, y:i32) -> i32 {
    x + y

The lines where the add function is defined, are a statement, those lines don't evaluate to anything.

Calling add(4, 1) is an expression, it evaluates to a value (the integer 5).

Inside the function, the last line of the function body is an expression x + y.

That ending expression evaluates to a value and the function returns it.

If that line ended in a semicolon instead (ie. x + y;), it would turn the expression into a statement.
That would not return a value, causing the function to not return a value.

That would mean we lied when we defined the function, as we stated it would return an integer of type i32 (with the syntax -> i32).
The function doesn't do that anymore.
It returns nothing now.

This is a bug and the Rust compiler won't let you do this.

The value add(4, 1) evaluated to is then assigned to the variable named num.
That entire line (ie. let num = add(4, 1);) is a statement.

A codeblock that creates a new scope (ie. {}) is an expression (it evaluates to a value).

let num = {
    let x = 4;
    x + 1

Inside that codeblock, a variable declaration statement happens, followed by an expression (x + 1).
The value that last expression evaluates to will be the value the entire codeblock evaluates to.
That value is then assigned to the num variable in this example.

You may explicitly return a value from a function by using the return keyword followed by an expression.

By convention, that line is terminated with a semicolon.
As you might expect, that isn't mandatory and the compiler won't complain if you leave it off.

This is an add function that explicitly ends execution and returns a value is equivalent to the add above that ended with an expression.

fn add(x: i32, y:i32) -> i32 {
    return x + y;

We can use this mechanism to make code that has a variable declaration that is only used to later be populated a bit shorter.

fn main() {
    let num = 5;
    let mut name = "";
    if num > 3 {
        name = "Tom";
    } else {
        name = "Jerry";
    println!("{}", name);

if is an expression, it returns a value.

The value an if evaluates to is the value of the codeblock it executed.
That means we can rewrite our example above.

Now, name is never an empty string, it's either "Tom" or "Jerry".

fn main() {
    let num = 5;
    let name = if num > 3 {
    } else {
    println!("{}", name);

This means that every arm of the if statement must return the same type.
If we return different types from the branches, the compiler won't be able to figure out what the resulting type of the entire if is and will show a compilation error.

A similar approach can be taken with more programming constructs in Rust that are expressions: like match.

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