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Typescript Partial<T>, where have you been my whole life?

Nick Raphael on November 25, 2019

Oh boy, how did I not know about Partial until now? This is something all Typescripters need to know. I'll use the example based on the official ...
emptyother profile image

I normally use Partial<T> interface when making class constructors.

class MyClass {
    myProp = 0; // Default values are applied first.
    constructor(cfg: Partial<MyClass> = {}) {
        extend(this, cfg); // Method that shallow-copies properties from cfg to this, overwriting any defaults.
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cookavich profile image
Paul Cook

I do the same except with Object.assign with partials like so:

export class User {
    id: number;
    name: string;
    profile = new Profile();

    constructor(options?: Partial<User>) {
        Object.assign(this, options);
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Works really nicely for creating and updating data.

onChangeUser(event: FormChangeEvent<UserForm>): void {
    this.user = new UpsertUser({
        profile: new Profile({
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Rather than having a web of Object.assign everywhere you actually see and work with the shape of your data.

daniel15 profile image
Daniel Lo Nigro

Your extend method just looks like Object.assign :)

emptyother profile image
emptyother • Edited

Completely forgot that one exists. Symptom of working too much with an old IE11-supported javascript framework. :P

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nombrekeff profile image
Keff • Edited

Nice, I didn't know about Partial, nice find, will be useful!

Yup it could be used, but take into account that Object.assign doesn't merge nested objects.

let objA = { b: { name: 'Train' } };
let objB = { b: { description: 'A vehicle that does not like to go uphill :)' } };

let merged = Object.assign(objA, objB);
> { b: { description: "A vehicle that does not like to go uphill :)" } }

nickraphael profile image
Nick Raphael

Interesting pattern. I may have to play with it. Thanks!

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor • Edited

Yeah Partial<T> is great. Another good one is Readonly<T>. It's a neat way to make things read-only, from a TS perspective even if under the hood (read JS), things are not truly read-only.

Readonly<T> example screenshot

Here's a TypeScript Playground example for those interested.

For reference, here's the full list of built-in Utilitiy Types. Lots of great stuff in there.

Looking forward to your next post!

mgenteluci profile image
Matheus Genteluci

It's also interesting to use the Omit<> type, which in most cases is actually a better fit because you can actually say which attibutes are not gonna be present.

nickraphael profile image
Nick Raphael

Shoutout to Fiona Tran for bringing Partial to my attention.

thereverandnd profile image
The Reverand • Edited

This a much faster way to type Pick<T,any> :) thanks!

messified profile image
Jesse Reese

Partial’s are tight!

danielg212 profile image

why not simply use optional parameters ?

interface Todo {
    title?: string;
    description?: string;
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scitronboy profile image
Benjamin Ashbaugh

Just because something should be optional in a parameter for example doesn't mean it should be optional everywhere, as would happen if you set it optional in the interface

zackdotcomputer profile image
Zack Sheppard

This is great - also the first I'm learning about it!

codermikky profile image
Sai Deep Konduri • Edited

This partial pattern is completely awesome.. thanks @nick

nick profile image

Watch out...

ogaston profile image
Omar Gaston Chalas

wow, I didn't know about partial either, thanks for sharing

omerxx profile image
Omer Hamerman

Thank you for that!!

hemalr profile image

Excellent! Just getting into Typescript and little tips like this are immensely helpful.

Thank you 👍