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React.js or Angular?

In the ever-evolving world of technology, several technologies have emerged to streamline software development process. These technologies are essential tools for developers as they provide a predefined structure for building dynamic web pages and mobile apps.

In this article, we are going to dive direct into frontend development and compare the two giants of web development. But what is a framework? In web development, a framework is a term used to describe tools and libraries that simplifies the process of building websites or web applictions. A framework provides a structured way to develop by offering pre-written code, templates and best practices.
Frontend frameworks focus on the user interfaces and client-side scripting.
At the present time, there are several frameworks available in the market,each with its own set of unique features and strengths. As a developer the choice of one over the rest comes down to the specific requirements of the project at hand and personal preferences.Then, you might be tempted to ask "And what should be my go-to framework?" Get ready because I am going to take you on a tour of the two major frameworks that are currently in demand.

React vs Angular

It is time to get to know the rivalry between react and angular.Which one is worth investing time learning? It is worth noting that these two are the most popular frontend frameworks and each offers unique advantages, making them very powerful tools in web development.


React, commonly referred as the Library for Building UIs is a popular JavaScript Library for building fast and interactive user interfaces. It was developed by facebook in 2007. It uses a component-based architecture and emphasizes declarative programmig, making it easier to manage complex UIs.
React is an unopinionated, meaning that it doesn't enforce any rules, rather it lets you invent your own thus giving developers freedom and flexibility.Just like every other technology, react has its own pros and cons.

Pros of using reactjs

1.** Reusable components**: One of the major benefits of using react is its potential to reuse components. It saves time for developers as they don't have to write various codes for the same feature.

  1. Virtual DOM: React uses a virtual DOM to efficiently update the user interface, enhancing performance.

3.Flexibility: As a library, react allows integration with various other libraries and frameworks, giving developers more control over their tech stack.

4.Easy to learn: React, compared to other popular frontend frameworks like Angular & Vue, is much easier to learn.

  1. Performance: React JS was designed to provide high performance in mind. The core of the framework offers a virtual DOM program and server-side rendering, which makes complex apps run extremely fast.

Cons of using reactjs

1.JSX syntax as a barrier: ReactJS uses JSX which is a syntax extension that allows HTML with JavaScript to be mixed. Although it has advantages, inexperienced developer lament difficulty of the learning curve.

  1. State Management Complexity: As the application grows, state management can become complex,hence requiring additional libraries such as redux.

3.ReactJS only covers the UI Layers of the app, and thus there is always a need to choose some other technologies for other development.


If you need structure and like best practices to be enforced, angular might be the best fit for you.This is because unlike react, angular plays by the rules.
Angular was released by Google in 2009. It particularly sticks out in enterprise-level setups, especially when paired with Typescript.
Here are some advantages and disadvantages of using angular.


1.Custom and reusable components: Just like react, Angular allows developers to create their own components. These components can be reused, combined and nested, providing a construction kit for building the application.

2.Complete Framework: Angular provides a full suite of tools out of the box, reducing the need for additional libraries.

3.Use of TypeScript: Use of typescript leads to improved code quality by enforcing type checks and structure, leading to more robust code.

4.Dependency Injection: Angular’s dependency injection system facilitates modular development and testing.


1.High pace of development: It results in continuous and fast environmental changes, making it hard to adapt to all the changes. Thus the developers' skills must continually be updated along with the changes.

2.Steep Learning Curve: Angular’s extensive feature set can be daunting for new developers, making it harder to learn.

3.Complexity: The framework can be complex and verbose, especially for smaller projects.


To conclude, both react and angular have their own strengths and weaknesses. The optimal choice hinges on your project's specific requirements. If you prioritize structure, scalability, and maintainability for complex applications, Angular might be the way to go. If flexibility, rapid UI development, and a vibrant community are your top concerns, ReactJS could be the better fit.

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Happy hacking!

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