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Discussion on: 100 Days of Learning - Day 5

nftcryptomix profile image

I will watch you progress as I am learning too but I think I well far from where you are my fellow dev. I am actually doing a 12 hour bootcamp with CSS HTML and JavaScript. It literally took me all day just to go through 1 hour of the video lol but what I thought I saved I lost it all lol. Had to start all over again. What the good thing was I speed through it and I could read the code and see how div's class's id's work with css styleSheet , # and under stand psuedocode with div's better so I have a better picture how to layout my work and also look at other code and see the basics of their formate and be able to change code online with inspect element but the changes dont last but the possibilities are their to see and how cool flexbox. I thought I didn't learn much but that 1 hour was well worth doing again and also the next hour I went through fast too. My goal is to build a blockchain gaming ecosystem with a social media and ecommerse. Well thank you for your 100 Days of Leaning and I will be watching with interest :).

frontendengineer profile image
Let's Code

use version control like git so you don't lose anything.

if you want something simple that you will save your progress, use something like codepen or

nftcryptomix profile image

I used codeSandBox, it didn't save the stuff I thought if automatically saved all my work but it didnt. All good, I actually liked doing the course again because I picked it faster and I now know how important div's - classes and id's are with psuedoCode. Thanks for your reply :)

lfosgett profile image
Lauren Fosgett

Thank you for sharing! That course you found sounds like an awesome start! I also recommend for hands-on exercises and lessons as well. The hours go by fast but they add up over time, you've got this.

Also, I second what Let's Code said about using something like to save your work in if you'd like to revisit it later. It's great for saving code samples or even building out larger projects.

nftcryptomix profile image

Yeah I have seen alot of the freeCodeCamp and have put them in box's to do later and I have at alot to go through lol and I love the hours. Yes I have code pen in the html css javaScript box. I have used 3 code editors and Iove Visual Studio but this time this codeSandBox which was new to me because of the tutor using it I thought I would give it a go and didnt think twice before I new it the whole day went by and I could see I only did about an hours work booooom turned the device off and low and behold go to turn the codeSandBox back on !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOO all gone. Thanks for your reply :).