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Nezir Zahirovic
Nezir Zahirovic

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Top 100 Developers per Country - Exploring Stack Exchange Data Explorer

After a while, I decided to revisit my Stack Exchange query, which I had previously used to gather information about Stack Overflow users and their reputations. The query itself is straightforward and written in plain SQL, making it easily accessible for anyone interested in gaining insights about users in their respective countries.

The Stack Exchange Data Explorer (SEDE) is an incredibly powerful tool that enables users to query and analyze data from various Stack Exchange sites. With SEDE, you can access a vast amount of information, including details about users, posts, tags, and more."

As I compared the results of my recent query with the data I had gathered during my last checkup, I noticed that the list of top developers in Bosnia and Herzegovina hadn't changed significantly over the years. Without further ado, here are the top 10 developers in Bosnia and Herzegovina according to my recent analysis:

Name Reputation

1 Stewie 60337
2 Filip Dupanović 32500
3 Adnan 25806
4 Damir Zekić 15610
5 Haris Krajina 14734
6 Branislav Lazic 14256
7 Faris Zacina 14046
8 Senad Meškin 13547
9 seidme 12433
10 Miroslav Popovic 12090

Actual query used here is with result of 100 but you can replace edit for your needs:

-- Top Bosnian Developers

    ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Reputation DESC) AS [#],
    Id AS [User Link],
    LOWER(Location) LIKE '%bosnia%'
    OR LOWER(Location) LIKE '%bosna%'
    OR Location LIKE '% BiH%'
    Reputation DESC;
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Here is also link to the query and results:
TOP 100 Bosnians on StackOverflow

My position didn't change a lot still on 17 position.

top 100 Bosnia developers

I am aware that hiring managers don't use so much as important reference in placing new candidates. Somehow, I think this is one of best place to see more about candidate, his knowledge, professionalism, cooperation with other's. When I come to position to decide about new hire I would definitely love to see their stack* profile. And definitely good ranking will have big impact on final decision.

So, for the young guys in IT, I am suggesting you to spend more time there by helping others and to learn more. Stack* place is so valuable and helpful for all of us even today.

Top comments (1)

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Nezir Zahirovic

Just wanted to check list one more time after a while. Not so many changes.