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Cover image for Dear "Successful People"...
Nezir Zahirovic
Nezir Zahirovic

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Dear "Successful People"...

Dear "Successful People," I would wager that for all of your accomplishments, in addition to your smart decisions, high-quality products, excellent organization, consistency, discipline, and dedication, luck played a significant role. I want to emphasize that luck - plain LUCK - has likely been a crucial factor in your success.

Luck is the factor that is often overlooked when we talk about success. We tend to give credit to people's intelligence, hard work, and determination. While these are all important factors, luck plays a significant role in determining the outcome of our efforts. Luck can work both ways - it can be good or bad, and it can change the course of our lives in an instant.

Luck can be defined as the events or circumstances that happen beyond our control, and that have a significant impact on our lives. It can be the chance meeting with someone who becomes our business partner, or it can be the opportunity that comes our way when we least expect it. Luck can also be the unexpected event that derails our plans and sends us in a different direction.

In his book "Outliers," Malcolm Gladwell talks about the 10,000-hour rule, which states that it takes approximately 10,000 hours of practice to become an expert in any field. While this is undoubtedly true, Gladwell also highlights the role of luck in the success of individuals. He cites examples of successful people who were in the right place at the right time or who had access to opportunities that others did not.

The truth is that luck plays a significant role in our lives, whether we like it or not. We can do everything right, work hard, and be determined, but we still need a stroke of luck to achieve success. Of course, luck alone maybe is not enough, and we still need to put in the effort to achieve our goals. But acknowledging the role of luck in our lives can help us be more grateful for the opportunities we have and be more understanding of others who are less fortunate.

Also, some people deceive themselves because of their character, strong ego, and narcissism, believing that they know how to achieve success and that they are inherently special. Others believe in a divine power, a ruler of all worlds, and that they have a strong connection with the Almighty, who rewards their deeds by making them successful. While I respect the beliefs of others, there is no scientific evidence to support these claims.

As a believer, I think that there is a universal power that created all of us and the world around us. However, I cannot see any proof that merely believing in this power will bring success. It is easy to compare people and their activities and see that success is not predictable solely based on belief.
Definitely, luck is here and nobody knows how it works. But it works! Its absolutely wrong to to think that our part in making success is definitive its not!

In conclusion, luck is an essential factor in the success of individuals. While intelligence, hard work, and determination are undoubtedly important, luck can make all the difference between success and failure. Acknowledging the role of luck in our lives can help us be more grateful for the opportunities we have and be more understanding of others who are less fortunate. So, the next time you see someone who is successful, remember that luck probably played a significant role in their success.

Top comments (1)

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Nezir Zahirovic

So, many so called successful people over there especially on twitter. Which are just simple marketers which trying with their bull.shit articles of 'success' to gather more followers or more sales of their 'ONE STOP SOLUTION****' for become successful.