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Vineet Prasad
Vineet Prasad

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How to Safeguard Your API Key in Postman

Securing your data has become a top priority in the current era because, in this world of digitalization and modernizing tech where everyone craves data, it becomes essential to safeguard your personal data.

Many programs retrieve, retain, and display personal information about users. APIs in today's software applications actively transport this data. Authentication tokens and API keys are critical components of API security today. So, what exactly is an API key?

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What is an API Key?

The API key is used to identify the security. API keys are specific codes that protect an API service from unwanted users. Developers and enterprises can use this code to improve the safety of the APIs to which they supply data. This article will discuss when an API key can be utilized. Then, we'll show you how to use an API key that shouldn't be shared with anybody for application security in the Postman application.

Benefits of Keeping API Key Secret?

There are several advantages to utilizing a private API key to make an API call on an API server. Here are a few examples:

  • Safeguard Sensitive Data
  • Authentication
  • Restriction of Use
  • Determine Application Traffic
  • Analysis and statistics
  • Pricing and Income Monitoring

Methods To Safeguard Your API Key

Use Environment Variable
One of the most common and basic steps to secure your API key is to use environment variables. This safeguards your API key keeping it hidden and saves it from getting viewed in public.

To use the environment variable navigate to the environment on Postman on the left column and then add the variable name with the API key in the initial value. Then you simply have to add your parameter without the need of adding the API key just add the environment variable name and keep the variable on in the top right corner.
For example, if my variable name is "Key" I just have to add {{Key}} and construct your request by adding endpoints and you are done.

Store Your API Key and Environment Variable Safely
You must be very aware of the file and environment variable where you have stored your API key.

  • Do not share environment files with sensitive variables openly. Use secure channels for sharing.
  • Consider encrypting sensitive environment files if you need to store them in a version control system.
  • Limit access to environment variables to only those team members who require them.

Monitor Your Usage
Regularly monitor your usage and limit used because it will help you verify whether your API key has been compromised or not. So you should keep an eye on statistics and usage graphs.

Change Your API Key
To improve security, rotate your API keys on a regular basis. Change the values in your Postman environment variables as needed. Changing API keys on a regular basis can help prevent unwanted access, especially if an old key has been compromised.

It's vital to understand that depending on a single API key for a lengthy period of time might be dangerous. To prevent these risks, developers should refresh the API keys used in their Postman apps on a regular basis. The overall security of the program is improved by generating fresh API keys on a regular basis. As a result, switching to new API keys at regular intervals makes it more difficult for unauthorized users to get and exploit them.


As a result, API keys are one of the most essential security mechanisms used today to prevent unauthorized users from accessing the data delivered through APIs. Integrating API keys with API providers, on the other hand, does not guarantee security on its own. API key owners should keep their API keys safe and not share them with anybody. It is very necessary to preserve API keys with environment variables in Postman, which is the most often used API testing tool, and to save and utilize them.

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