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Amy Negrette
Amy Negrette

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Nevertheless, Amy Coded Forward

When I was in high school, I was told to not pursue computer science because computers were hard and the boys were mean. Since then I've won awards and given technical talks about the work I've done.

The best advice for students, entry level, and junior engineers is to find yourself a mentor. Someone who can sanity check the things you're going through whether or not you're being purposefully worked or tell you when tasks are fully within your capacity. Someone who has nothing to gain from your success except knowing you succeeded. Early in my career, most of my mentors were men because I worked in Sports Media. They pushed me to join more Women in Tech networks and get involved. They made sure that I knew what was okay and what wasn't.

For mid-level and higher, find a sponsor. Find someone who will see the best part of your work and push others to recognize it.

You need both at different times of your life.

Finally, find friends in your industry. They'll make the bad days tolerable and give you an ally in your own work-life balance. They'll want not only your success but also your happiness.

The people who will do the best by you will want you to succeed but not at the cost of your health and well-being. They're who you'll need in your corner to get you through long-term in not just the Tech Industry, but any industry.

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