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Giorgos Neokleous
Giorgos Neokleous

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Android ADB Commands (Part 2) Alarms

ADB Commands

Previous post: PART I

According to documentation:

Android Debug Bridge (adb) is a versatile command-line tool that lets you communicate with a device. The adb command facilitates a variety of device actions, such as installing and debugging apps, and it provides access to a Unix shell that you can use to run a variety of commands on a device.

Link for more info.

2) Check if alarms are set and when they are scheduled to trigger

adb shell dumpsys alarm

The command is extremely verbose, I will recommend to filter with grep such as

adb shell dumpsys alarm | grep

Tip 1: If you are not going to use grep or something similar use cmd+F or ctrl+F to find your app by searching the package name.

Tip 2: If your terminal's buffer size is not big enough, and you are not using the grep command, it might better to output into a file.

i.e adb shell dumpsys alarm > AlarmsOutput.txt

The output looks like:

Batch{28b15ce num=18 start=60346095 end=65172917 flgs=0x8}:

    RTC #17: Alarm{ae74957 type 1 when 1491279601728}


      type=1 whenElapsed=+11h57m57s410ms when=2019-04-04 07:20:01

      window=+8h59m59s997ms repeatInterval=0 count=0 flags=0x0

      operation=PendingIntent{d1cec44: PendingIntentRecord{d3307ba broadcastIntent}}

As you can see from above the when= tells us when is set to get triggered.

This is extremely helpful for debugging and verifying AlarmManager's behaviour.

An excellent SO answer on how-to read the output, check it out

Stay tuned for the third part soon!

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