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Cover image for My development environment | From scratch | Ubuntu | 2020
Julio Daniel Reyes
Julio Daniel Reyes

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My development environment | From scratch | Ubuntu | 2020

0:07 Start of the video
0:51 Terminals
0:51 - Terminator
2:16 - Alacritty
3:12 Fundamental tools installation - with brief explanation
3:19 - curl
3:28 - git
3:33 - htop
3:39 - vim
3:45 - jq
3:50 - zsh
4:03 - tmux
4:27 Tmux basic usage
5:56 jq overview
6:29 htop overview
6:39 vim basic usage
7:24 zsh overview
7:50 oh my zsh installation
8:58 powerlevel 10k installation (zsh theme)
12:42 powerlevel 10k overview
13:34 fzf installation (fuzzy finder)
14:11 fzf basic usage
15:24 IDEs
15:24 - Intellij Idea (mention)
15:42 - VS Code (mention and installation)
15:59 Nord color theme
16:13 Nord for alacritty
16:53 Jetbrain's Mono Font
17:37 Rust installation
18:00 Customize status bar configuration, add crab emoji (very important)
18:38 Docker installation
20:52 docker-compose installation

Top comments (1)

karthiknayak98 profile image

Very informative video. Thanks!!