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Nelson chege
Nelson chege

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DevFest Nairobi 2022

The Annual Google devfest Nairobi happened over the weekend on Saturday and what an amazing event it was.This was my first devfest i have attended.met old friends,new like-minded people and also learnt new things in the process.

Here are some of the notes that i was able to take during the different session:

Starting a Startup

some of the steps that one needs to take while starting a startup

  1. create a team- create a team that understand and believe in your idea

2.MVP - Having a minimum viable product

  1. make decisions on tech and infrastructure that will be used to create your product

4.acquire customers - you should also consider getting customers and not only focusing on developing your product

5.scaling up- this is the next step after your product has started getting traction.Also joining an accelerator program helps Google offering one

Everything APIs

types of API endpoints

  1. Soap
  2. XML
  3. REST
  4. Grpc

tips on naming conventions

  1. use nouns and not verbs
  2. consistency is key in naming your endpoints
  3. use lowercase
  4. don't use method name in URL
  5. the name should try to be self explanatory

some of the ways to secure endpoints

  1. Basic auth (username & password)
  2. JWT
  3. OpenID and Oauth

what is throttling ? limiting the number of request made by a user in a certain period

tools used for creating, testing and documenting API endpoints

  1. Swagger UI
  2. Swagger Hub
  3. Postman
  4. Redocly

types of test that can be done on API endpoints

  1. Unit test
  2. Integration test
  3. Load / performance test
  4. security test

tools used to test API endpoints

  1. JMeter
  2. Soup UI
  3. CuCumber
  4. Rest-Assured (the person how named this needs a pay raise)

Serverless Backend infrastructure with AWS Lambdas

  • AWS lambda more like Google cloud Function
  • Api Gateway replaces Web server hence acts as point of contact when the the client sends a request

AWS Lambdas has:

  1. Handlers
  2. Events

The events was really enjoy-full and looking forward to attending to more of such events

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