DEV Community

Discussion on: The best way to make a web API

nelsonblack profile image
Nelson Bwogora

Programming languave typescript
Framework :Nestjs framework
API : (inbuilt)Nestjs graphql package(Apollo)
Documentation: (inbuilt) graphql playground
ORM: nestjs-typeorm package

Graphql rocks since trying it out I have rarely ever gone back to REST

dbanty profile image
Dylan Anthony

Oooo a GraphQL answer with TypeScript! I’ve been wanting to try this sort of solution and tried (and failed) to do so with Node (express I think).

Do you have a recommended tutorial / example / anything I could get started with trying NestJS?

nelsonblack profile image
Nelson Bwogora

There is this example here will make a git of nest js , graphpl MySQL simple crud and share it