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Getting Started with Sequelize and Postgres

Chinedu Orie on August 09, 2019

Sequelize is a promise-based Node.js ORM for Postgres, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite and Microsoft SQL Server. It features solid transaction support, rela...
nmaxcom profile image
Carles Alcolea • Edited

A couple of things for newcomers like me who will run into some issues following the code as it is here.

If seeding the DB you get "ERROR: Migration xxxx-User.js (or wrapper) didn't return a promise", you can add async/await (since all async functions return a promise) like so:

up: async (queryInterface, Sequelize) => await queryInterface.bulkInsert('Users' .............

Another gotcha can be "ERROR: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND postgresroot" (or similar error).
If your password contains certain symbols (like #, / etc.), it can mess up the parsing. You can either change your password, removing those symbols, or URL encode your password (you can use encodeURIComponent('pass#word')). Don't worry; you don't need to decode it. So this:

And you are good to go.

As an overall style, I'd advise using a more semantic/component-like folder structure
Also, that repo I just linked, is filled with gold in all kinds of NodeJS knowledge!

Thanks to the author for this article, it's been handy in starting with Sequelize :)

nedsoft profile image
Chinedu Orie

Thanks a lot for sharing Carles!

jakub41 profile image

I've been trying this but I stuck as I need to make a migration file with a foreign key.
Your example is not creating an association on the DB between 2 tables and ignoring the foreign key.

I tried several times but cannot make it work with the foreign key.

It would be nice to see a migration file with a foreign key so I can understand what to do.

nedsoft profile image
Chinedu Orie • Edited

Hi Jakub, I deliberately did not add the foreign key constraints in the migrations. Adding the foreign key constraints in the migrations makes integration with the models very rigid and most times it can be a pain.

From my experience enforcing foreign key constraints in the migrations is good if only at the time of writing the migration you have completely figured out all the models and the relationships that exist between them. This is because foreign key constraints demand that the parent table's migration must precede the child table. In deleting, you cannot delete a parent table if it has a child (this is a good feature btw).

Of course, enforcing the FK constraint ensures data integrity but the opportunity cost most time for me is higher.

So what I do is to define the model relationship in the models, this will do the same job of associating the tables as defining the FK constraint in the migrations in addition to ensuring flexibility in interacting with the tables/models.

Looking at the code used for the article, say


module.exports = (sequelize, DataTypes) => {
  const User = sequelize.define('User', {
    name: DataTypes.STRING,
    email: DataTypes.STRING
  }, {});
  User.associate = function(models) {
    // associations can be defined here
    User.hasMany(models.Post, {
      foreignKey: 'userId',
      as: 'posts',
      onDelete: 'CASCADE',

    User.hasMany(models.Comment, {
      foreignKey: 'userId',
      as: 'comments',
      onDelete: 'CASCADE',
  return User;

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

You can see how the relationships were defined.
Like to the repo here

The pattern used here is strictly opinionated.

Let me know if that helped.

jakub41 profile image

Hi thanks for the help :)

However, the issue is that in this way on DB I have manually to make the foreign key to have the relationship as I have to make 2 tables related.
Here what I'm trying to do:
I have an exercise to make projects related to Students.
A student has many projects but a project has one student.
So I have to make it on my own on the DB then this?

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nedsoft profile image
Chinedu Orie • Edited

The explanation I gave above answered this question already. I can only repeat the same thing.
You correctly defined the relationship between student and project.
If you remove the constraints in the migrations, you'll still get the expected results in terms of the relationship

For example

student_id: {
                foreignKey: true,
                type: Sequelize.UUID,
                defaultValue: Sequelize.UUIDV4,
                allowNull: false

could be

student_id: {
                type: Sequelize.UUID,
                defaultValue: Sequelize.UUIDV4,
                allowNull: false

also check sequelize docs for how to add Fk constraint, the snippet below was copied from the docs

module.exports = {
  up: (queryInterface, Sequelize) => {
    return queryInterface.createTable('Person', {
      name: Sequelize.STRING,
      isBetaMember: {
        type: Sequelize.BOOLEAN,
        defaultValue: false,
        allowNull: false
      userId: {
        type: Sequelize.INTEGER,
        references: {
          model: {
            tableName: 'users',
            schema: 'schema'
          key: 'id'
        allowNull: false

  down: (queryInterface, Sequelize) => {
    return queryInterface.dropTable('Person');

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jakub41 profile image

Thanks :)

I have 2 questions:

1) "schema" what is that? I should live schema or I need to define something? Is not clear from docs actually what that means

2) There 2 ways of doing this kind of stuff no async/async, what method is better or how to choose which one to use? It is not really clear to me from the docs.

Thanks for helping :D

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nedsoft profile image
Chinedu Orie

Schema is the entire structure of the database, including the tables and the relationships that exist between them.

If you are referring to something somewhere, you can share the link to the reference, that way it'll be easier for me to relate with.

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jakub41 profile image

I see thanks so in that field I have to put the name of my database but I also need to have a schema defined of my dB in the project?
Sorry for many questions but I'm learning 😁

Another question when you create at or update at and want this is generated by server do I have to add default values NOW? And for Uuid same? In sense UUIDV4?
I'm asking because seems is not generating that when I input records to the dB is giving me Null errors but should be autogenerated fields. Thanks again 😁

rnagarajan96 profile image
Nagarajan R

Awesome tutorial for beginners who they are just like me. Here I am new to nodeJs so i came up with idea's with some doubts (may be old but i found as a beginner i got nothing from stackoverflow). Here i am working based on Multi-Tenant Architecture. so every client organisations need to have their own Databases. so, in my case i am need to work with " 'n' no of databases ". from this tutorial i found the database connection is established during the app, to solve my case i need to establish the database connection dynamically based on the user request to their individual DB and need to perform CRUD operations ( Note : concurrent operations need to perform on their own db without disturb others ). so, i created another db and tried to perform dynamic connection based on user request but nothing helped me so, it's remained unsolved. i heard something about connection pool concept in sequelize that's may be related to my case. so, here i am posting this to expect answers and some suggestions from your side as theoretical and sample code. May be a new tutorial post that will help all people who fell in the same category. i found more peoples tried this but nothing is solid evidence.

Problem: Dynamic DB connection based on the user request not during app initialisation

Please correct me if my understanding is wrong, looking forward for your answer.

Nagarajan R

obsidianstorms profile image
Rick • Edited

For models/index.js I found the line
const model = sequelize['import'](path.join(__dirname, file));
to instead need to be something like:
const model = require(path.join(__dirname, file))(sequelize, Sequelize.DataTypes);

It kept complaining sequelize['import'] was not a function.
Also, not sure when the version might have changed but they suggest "require" over "import".
The documentation suggests the sequelize['import'] style should work (even w/ "require") but it wasn't working for me.

I'll echo Carles and others, this article has been an absolute gem! It has saved me days of scouring for insights on how to hook up Sequelize.

robbies82 profile image

You should consider editing this article to also instruct the user to install the dotenv package. Otherwise, reading the database config file will fail once the user goes to migrate the database.

They will get "ERROR: Error reading "database\config\config.js". Error: Error: Cannot find module 'dotenv'"

nedsoft profile image
Chinedu Orie

Thanks for pointing this out! will do

tcee42 profile image
Thomas • Edited

For example, --attributes postId:integer, comment:text, userId:integer will throw an error ERROR: Attribute '' cannot be parsed: Cannot read property 'dataType' of undefined because of the whitespace between attributes.

I was trying to resolve the above error when I stumbled on your post. Thanks a lot, It worked.

nedsoft profile image
Chinedu Orie

Glad to hear that it helped

robbies82 profile image

You should consider mentioning that sequelize commands need to be prefixed with 'npx', e.g. npx sequelize db:migrate

nedsoft profile image
Chinedu Orie

Thanks for pointing this out! will do

huzaifi0604 profile image
Muhammad Huzaifa

This is some Detailed and Amazing Content, I have read in a while. I am using Sequelize for some time now and hadn't heard some of these amazing methods and techniques. Thank you.

I wrote another blog for newcomers like me some time ago. Check that out as well at
Sequelize Getting Started

It's a modular approach to Sequelize's configuration with Node Js, since many organizations require a structured implementation of their services & is a good practice to do as well.

shreydoshi010 profile image

I have successfully implemented everything as suggested.
My seeders, when I run them are not recorded in DB. So overtime I cant run seed:all, when I add new seeders. It runs all seeders again
Can you please help me fix this?

viditkothari profile image
Vidit Kothari

I'm looking for the link to part 2 of this article/post ? :/

nedsoft profile image
Chinedu Orie
viditkothari profile image
Vidit Kothari

Thank you so much. This is a nice guide. Although I'm working with MySQL this did direct me in helpful direction

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nedsoft profile image
Chinedu Orie

Good to know!

inezabonte profile image
Ineza Bonté Grévy

If you want to add new data. Do you create another seed file or do you use the same seed file you used before?

msamgan profile image
Mohammed Samgan Khan

so far the best Article on how to get started in Sequelize.
Really great work...

parvans profile image
Parvan S • Edited

how the index.js work without calling in any other js files

czarjulius profile image
Julius Ngwu

Awesome. Very helpful