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Var Wars, The Rise of ES2015

In this article, we will explore the different ways to declare a variable in JavaScript.

We will also see why var is so problematic and why it must be avoided.

var in a nutshell (aka Var Wars, the Hoisting Menace)

Until ES5, this is the only way to declare a variable.

// Declaring variable
var sith;
// Init
sith = 'Darth Vader';
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or directly

// Declaring variable & init
var sith = 'Darth Vader';
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Like other languages, is simple to declare a variable.
But in JavaScript, scoping works differently.

var is function scoped, it refer to the parent function.
If there is no parent function, your var is global.

var hanShotFirst = true;

if (true) {
  var hanShotFirst = false;

console.log(hanShotFirst); // false
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As you can see, you can rewrite and redeclare our variable hanShotFirst (while it's really Han who shoots first, anyway).

Another weird thing :

var obiWan = '🧔🏼';

console.log(obiWan) // '🧔🏼'
console.log(anakin) // 'undefined' with no error

var anakin = '💇‍♂️'
console.log(anakin) // '💇‍♂️'
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This atypical behavior is called hoisting

In fact, JavaScript engine reads the script before its execution like :

var obiWan = '🧔🏼';
var anakin;

console.log(obiWan) // '🧔🏼'
console.log(anakin) // 'undefined' with no error

anakin = '💇‍♂️'
console.log(anakin) // '💇‍♂️'
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The engine goes up variables and function declarations, as high as possible at the beginning of the parent function.

It is then possible to use the functions and variables of the script before they are actually declared ! 🧐

I feel a disturbance in the force...

ES2015 coming with let and const (aka Var Wars, the New Scope)

The new version of the ES2015 standard comes with few interesting features like new variable declarations let and const.

let deathStar = 'destroyed';

if (deathStar === 'destroyed') {
  let deathStar = 'pending';

console.log(deathStar); // 'destroyed', parent scope !
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As you can see, let resolve our previous problems.

It prevent :

  • can't use before init (throw error)
  • can't redeclare in same block (throw error)
  • block scoped (prevent shadowing)

What about const ?

Yes, you can declare a constant, but not like other language.

const deathStarV2 = {
  engine: 'off'

deathstarV2 = new DeathStar('V3'); // Uncaught TypeError: Assignment to constant variable.

deathstarV2.engine = 'on'; // it works ! 🚀🚀🚀

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We can keep the reference of the object, not its content.


I hope this little article gave you a good understanding of all the three ways to declare variables in JavaScript.

We understand why var is dangerous and why we should use let and const instead.

It's basic but essential.

That's it for today, thanks for reading !
May the code be with you !

I'm not a native English speaker so, thanks in advance if you want to improve my article with correct syntax/grammar/sentences.

I can accept all kind remarks :)

Cover by Benjamin Auzanneau on Unsplash

Top comments (1)

stevematdavies profile image
Stephen Matthew Davies

Most ES6 features have been fully supported for a while in all browsers, var should not even be considered at all unless supporting legacy systems.