DEV Community

Discussion on: Experienced developers: What concept have you never gotten around to learning and you've been fine without it?

necmettin profile image
Necmettin Begiter

I'll look from a different angle. Do we need formal education in any programming concept to learn them?

SOLID principles, BigO notation, Docker and frenemies, functional programming, traits (PHP), most class inheritance stuff, schemaless structures (was in Pascal Records in the 90s), recursion.

I knew and was using them before I knew their names (except Docker&fr, we used to call them virtual hosts back in the day ;). Never really studied any of them, and I realized I already knew them when I studies them.

I'm a teacher and I know for a fact that it is better to not name concepts and structures until the pupil learns them by heart. And at that point, studying the concept becomes useless because the pupil is already aware of things. This doesn't apply to university level conscious studies of course.

heyitshannes profile image
Hannes Calitz

So much this. As a self fought developer I know almost none of the names of the principles implemented in my work and I've been doing it for 18 years now.