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Tabs with Phoenix Liveview

I have a Liveview component with a navbar and components to display/hide as tabs, aka breadcumbs. I also want to highlight the link tag of the active breadcumb.

Say the live endpoint "/crumbs" renders the following Liveview:

# MyAppWeb.CrumbsLive
def renders(assigns) do
    <Nav active={@active} display={@display} />
    <Elt1.render />
    <Elt2.render />
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Each tab is a component with a unique id:

# MyAppWeb.Elt1
use Phoenix.Component
def MyApp.Elt1 do
  def render(assigns) do
    <div id="elt-1">...</div>
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The navbar displays the link to the components. The link will be a patch to the url below as parameter, so we will invoque handle_params (cf the guide

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  • use the phx-mount dataset to display some folder on mount (available also on static views, not only LVs).

  • use :html to have access to the verified routes

use MyAppWeb, :html

attr :active, :any  #Function
attr :display, :any #Function

def render(assigns) do
  <nav phx-mount={@display.("#elt-1")}>
      Elt i
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We pass 2 functions in the assigns:

  • the first prop active is a function that takes the id of the element of the target location. It will add some highlighting classes to the matching location: a simple conditional concatenation of classes if the view given by the query string matches the current location.

  • the second prop display is a function that takes the id of the element of the target location. It will simply pipe JS.hide of all the ids but the desired one.

A click on the link will be captured by handle_params/3 in the Liveview. We build the props there. Since they depend upon the location, they will be updated into the socket assigns, and this change will render the new UI.


def handle_params(q_string, _uri, socket) do
  # list of ids of the tabs/elements
  nav_elts = ['#elt-1', '#elt-2',..]
  base = "some classes"
  styled = "highlighting classes"

  view =
    case map_size(q_string) do
      # on mount
      0 -> "#elt-1"
      _ -> "#" <> Map.get(q_string, "display")

  active = fn current -> [base, current === view && styled] end

  display = fn current ->
      |> Enum.filter(&(&1 !== current))
      |> Enum.reduce(%JS{}, fn elt, acc ->
        acc |> JS.hide(to: elt)
      |> current)

  {:noreply, assign(socket, active: active, display: display)}
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