Hello all!
This is my first post here. In this post, I am writing about my first Google kickstart round.
It was conducted today from 4.30 AM to 7.30 AM (IST). I couldn't start trying the contest at 4.30 AM since it was very early in the morning and I am not used to waking up before 7.30 AM. I managed to wake up at 6.00 AM. I started giving the contest from 6.20 AM. I had only 70 minutes left. In that time, I was able to solve two questions out of four.
The questions that I was able to solve were
1. Increasing Substring
2. Consecutive Primes
Finally, I got an international rank of 1727. Though this wasn't a great rank, I was very satisfied because I thought I would end up even worse. Overall, it was a great experience and I look forward to the next round.
PS: I am new to blogging in general. I request the dev community's bloggers to share a few tips and resources on writing a blog.
I have been maintaining an Instagram handle where I post coding-related content frequently, do give it a check.
Edit: After the finalization of the ranks, my rank has been improved. I secured a 1677 Rank.
Code is like humor. When you have to explain it, it’s bad.
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