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Why should I learn Python instead of Java?

You should if :

You are in India and
Is a Fresher looking for IT job and..
Want to get job easily and quickly and..
May want to pursue Data Science in future and…

Focus on learning new software engineering technologies than new languages every-time

Python is not just a language but a ecosystem in which almost everything is there. May it be Desktops Apps, Web Apps, NLP, Automation, Server Admin, Gaming or Robotics.

Another way to look at it could be that no body want to feel messy starting learning computing. This is the biggest problem with Java ecosystem, may it be installation, changing path variables in windows, almost all things are messy to start with. Whereas Python feels like a breeze as compared to Java. Right from installation to getting started is really easy and super quick.

We can write 200 lines of code of Java in less than 50 lines in python. That is like writing code in a superb manner. Another thing is that all companies want to increase productivity of the employees and deliver faster. For that python is perfect fit.

Now with advent of AI and machine learning, Python has gained even more acceptance and brownie points. So much of open source libraries are there to make you easily develop AI based apps.

Still in India so many colleges are teaching Java!

They need to update the syllabus and only teach Python and C/C++. Most students get scared of Java and they think they can’t be good programmers in future which is not right. Python can help them overcome that fear.

From salary and job point of view, it’s very important to choose that technology which has minimum competition as there are just so many freshers passing out every year and not all can get those limited IT jobs. Learning Python will make you stand in the crowd and you will feel more confident about getting job.

Lastly I want to tell you that you can learn Python with me online. Yes I also provide training along with doing remote jobs. I charge very reasonable fees.

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