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Variadic Function in Swift

The functions which takes Variadic parameter are called Variadic Functions.

Variadic parameters allow us to pass either single or multiple values based on our requirement.

Declaration - You just need to add Three Dots i.e. ... after param data type to make it variadic.

Example - Below function takes an Int as variadic param -

func getSum(values:Int...){
    let sum = values.reduce(0, +)
    print("Sum is-\(sum)")
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Now let's check how can we call it -
case 1 - Call it with single value -

getSum(values: 8)
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case 2 - Call it with multiple values -

getSum(values: 1,7)
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Top comments (1)

sergeyleschev profile image
Sergey Leschev

Being able to pass multiple values to a function using a single parameter can save a lot of time and effort when working with larger datasets or more complex calculations.