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Swift Access Modifiers

Access modifiers are the identifiers which let us control the access level of class/struct/variable or methods.

In swift there are following Access Modifiers -
1. internal - This is the default one. When don't mention any then this is the default type of access the class/struct etc get.
In this one entities can be access and inherited within the target.

Access level - accessible & inheritable within target

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2. private - With this one entities are only accessible within class scope and, when accessed out of class then will give error.

Access level - within enclosing declaration

Example - In below screenshot , the property osName is inaccessible due to private access.

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3. fileprivate - Just as the name explains, the entities are accessible within enclosing declaration and within same file i.e in which it is declared.

Access level - within enclosing declaration & within same file

Example 1 - In below screenshot, the property osName is accessible out of its class scope because those classes are created in same file.

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Example 2 - In below screenshot, the property osName is inaccessible because the class accessing it is not in the same file in which osName was created. Hence, causes error.

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4. public - This makes the entity accessible among other targets also however, they can't be inherited in the other targets.

Access level - accessible in other targets but not inheritable out of self target

_Example 1 - _
Target 1 -> class ViewController
Target 2 > class NRDropDownHelper

NRDropDownHelper is inaccessible in Target 1 (ViewController class) due to it's default internal level. Hence, causes error.

_Example 2 - _

After changing the class access to public

  1. It becomes accessible in ViewController
  2. Yet can't be inherited outside target hence causes error.

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5. open - This is the highest level of access in swift. With this entities are accessible and inheritable in outside target as well.

Access level - accessible and inheritable in other targets as well

example class NRDropDownHelper is access and is also inherited in class customHelper.

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