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Nadim Chowdhury
Nadim Chowdhury

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How to become a Pro Ethical Hacker?

Becoming a professional ethical hacker requires a structured approach that includes education, skill development, certification, and practical experience. Here's a comprehensive guide:


  1. Basic Knowledge: Understanding of basic computer concepts and networking.
  2. Programming Skills: Knowledge of at least one programming language (Python, JavaScript, C, C++).
  3. Operating Systems: Familiarity with different operating systems, especially Linux and Windows.
  4. Networking: Understanding of TCP/IP, DNS, HTTP, and other networking protocols.
  5. Security Concepts: Basic understanding of cybersecurity principles and concepts.

Topics to Learn

  1. Networking:

    • TCP/IP
    • Subnetting
    • Network protocols (HTTP, DNS, FTP, etc.)
    • Network devices (routers, switches, firewalls)
  2. Operating Systems:

    • Linux: Command line, system administration
    • Windows: Command prompt, PowerShell, system administration
  3. Programming and Scripting:

    • Python: For automation and scripting
    • Bash: For Linux command line scripting
    • JavaScript: For understanding web vulnerabilities
  4. Web Technologies:

    • HTML, CSS, JavaScript
    • Web servers (Apache, Nginx)
    • Databases (SQL, NoSQL)
  5. Cybersecurity Fundamentals:

    • Information security principles
    • Cryptography basics
    • Risk management
  6. Ethical Hacking Techniques:

    • Footprinting and reconnaissance
    • Scanning networks
    • Enumeration
    • Vulnerability analysis
    • System hacking
    • Social engineering
    • Wireless network hacking
    • Web server and application hacking
    • Session hijacking
    • Cryptography
  7. Tools and Software:

    • Nmap
    • Wireshark
    • Metasploit
    • Burp Suite
    • John the Ripper
    • Aircrack-ng


  1. Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH): One of the most recognized certifications for ethical hackers.
  2. Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP): Known for its hands-on approach and practical exam.
  3. CompTIA Security+: A good starting point for general cybersecurity knowledge.
  4. Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP): Advanced certification covering a broad range of security topics.

Practicing and Improving Skills

  1. Labs and Simulators:

    • Virtual Labs: Use tools like VirtualBox or VMware to create isolated lab environments.
    • Online Platforms: Websites like TryHackMe, Hack The Box, and CyberSecLabs offer practical exercises.
  2. Bug Bounty Programs:

    • Participate in programs on platforms like HackerOne and Bugcrowd to find and report vulnerabilities in real-world applications.
  3. Capture The Flag (CTF) Competitions:

    • Participate in CTF events to challenge your skills in a competitive environment.
  4. Reading and Research:

    • Stay updated with the latest cybersecurity news and research.
    • Read books like "The Web Application Hacker's Handbook" and "Metasploit: The Penetration Tester’s Guide".
  5. Community Engagement:

    • Join forums and communities such as Reddit’s /r/netsec, Stack Exchange’s Information Security community, and local cybersecurity meetups.
  6. Personal Projects:

    • Build and secure your own web applications, networks, and systems.
    • Regularly audit and test your setups to identify and fix vulnerabilities.

Recommended Resources

  1. Books:

    • "Hacking: The Art of Exploitation" by Jon Erickson
    • "The Web Application Hacker's Handbook" by Dafydd Stuttard and Marcus Pinto
    • "Metasploit: The Penetration Tester’s Guide" by David Kennedy, Jim O'Gorman, Devon Kearns, and Mati Aharoni
  2. Online Courses:

    • Udemy: Courses on ethical hacking and cybersecurity
    • Coursera: Specializations in cybersecurity
    • Cybrary: Free and paid courses in various cybersecurity domains
  3. Websites:

    • OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project)
    • Exploit-DB (Exploit Database)
  4. Communities:

    • Reddit (/r/netsec)
    • Stack Exchange (Information Security)
    • Local cybersecurity meetups and conferences


Becoming a professional ethical hacker is a journey that involves continuous learning and hands-on practice. By following the structured approach outlined above, you can develop the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in the field of ethical hacking. Remember, ethical hacking is about legal and responsible testing to improve security, so always adhere to legal and ethical guidelines.

Here’s an in-depth look at each of the key networking topics important for ethical hacking:


TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) is the foundational protocol suite for the internet and other private networks. It consists of several layers, each with specific functions:

  1. Application Layer: Includes protocols like HTTP, FTP, DNS, and SMTP. This layer provides network services directly to applications.
  2. Transport Layer: Includes TCP and UDP. This layer is responsible for end-to-end communication, error checking, and data flow control.
    • TCP (Transmission Control Protocol): Connection-oriented, ensures reliable data transmission.
    • UDP (User Datagram Protocol): Connectionless, faster but less reliable than TCP.
  3. Internet Layer: Includes IP (Internet Protocol). This layer handles addressing and routing packets across networks.
    • IPv4: Uses 32-bit addresses.
    • IPv6: Uses 128-bit addresses, designed to replace IPv4.
  4. Link Layer: Handles physical transmission of data over network interfaces.


Subnetting is the process of dividing a larger network into smaller, more manageable sub-networks (subnets). This improves network performance and security.

  1. IP Address Structure: An IP address consists of two parts: the network portion and the host portion.
  2. Subnet Mask: A subnet mask separates the network and host portions of an IP address. For example, a subnet mask of (or /24 in CIDR notation) means the first 24 bits are the network part, and the last 8 bits are for hosts.
  3. CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing): Notation that specifies IP addresses and their associated routing prefix (e.g.,
  4. Calculating Subnets: Determine the number of subnets and hosts per subnet based on the subnet mask. For example, with a /26 subnet mask, you have 64 addresses, 62 usable for hosts (since 2 addresses are reserved for network and broadcast addresses).

Network Protocols

  1. HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol): The protocol used for transmitting web pages over the internet.
    • HTTPS: Secure version of HTTP using SSL/TLS encryption.
  2. DNS (Domain Name System): Translates human-readable domain names (like into IP addresses.
    • DNS Records: Includes types such as A (address), MX (mail exchange), CNAME (canonical name), and PTR (pointer).
  3. FTP (File Transfer Protocol): Used for transferring files between a client and server.
    • FTPS: Secure version of FTP using SSL/TLS.
    • SFTP: Uses SSH for secure file transfer.
  4. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol): Protocol for sending email.
  5. SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol): Used for managing devices on IP networks.
  6. Telnet and SSH:
    • Telnet: Used for remote login, but not secure as it transmits data in plaintext.
    • SSH (Secure Shell): Secure alternative to Telnet for remote login.

Network Devices

  1. Routers: Devices that forward data packets between different networks, making decisions based on the destination IP address. They operate at the network layer (Layer 3) of the OSI model.
    • Routing Protocols: Includes OSPF (Open Shortest Path First), BGP (Border Gateway Protocol), and RIP (Routing Information Protocol).
  2. Switches: Devices that connect devices within the same network, forwarding data based on MAC addresses. They operate at the data link layer (Layer 2).
    • Managed vs. Unmanaged Switches: Managed switches offer greater control and monitoring capabilities compared to unmanaged switches.
  3. Firewalls: Devices or software that monitor and control incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules.
    • Types: Includes packet-filtering firewalls, stateful inspection firewalls, and next-generation firewalls (NGFW).
  4. Access Points: Devices that allow wireless devices to connect to a wired network using Wi-Fi.
    • Wi-Fi Standards: Includes 802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ax, each offering different speeds and ranges.
  5. Network Interface Cards (NICs): Hardware components that connect a computer to a network.

Additional Concepts

  1. OSI Model: A conceptual framework used to understand network interactions in seven layers: Physical, Data Link, Network, Transport, Session, Presentation, and Application.
  2. NAT (Network Address Translation): Translates private IP addresses to a public IP address for internet access.
  3. VPN (Virtual Private Network): Creates a secure connection over the internet between a remote user and a private network.

Practicing Networking Skills

  1. Set Up a Home Lab: Use virtualization software (e.g., VirtualBox, VMware) to create and manage virtual networks.
  2. Cisco Packet Tracer/GNS3: Tools for simulating network configurations and troubleshooting.
  3. Wireshark: Analyze network traffic and troubleshoot network issues.
  4. Practical Exercises: Configure routers, switches, and firewalls, and practice subnetting and IP addressing.


Understanding networking is crucial for ethical hacking as it lays the foundation for identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities. By mastering TCP/IP, subnetting, network protocols, and devices, you can effectively navigate and secure networks.

Operating Systems


Command Line: The command line is an essential tool for Linux users, enabling them to perform various tasks efficiently without a graphical interface.

  • Basic Commands:
    • ls: List directory contents.
    • cd: Change directory.
    • cp: Copy files and directories.
    • mv: Move/rename files and directories.
    • rm: Remove files and directories.
    • chmod: Change file permissions.
    • chown: Change file owner and group.
    • cat, less, more: View file contents.
    • grep: Search text using patterns.
    • find: Search for files and directories.

System Administration: Managing a Linux system involves various tasks, including user management, process management, package management, and network configuration.

  • User Management:

    • useradd, usermod, userdel: Add, modify, delete users.
    • passwd: Change user passwords.
    • groups, groupadd, groupmod, groupdel: Manage groups.
  • Process Management:

    • ps: Display running processes.
    • top, htop: Monitor system performance.
    • kill, pkill: Terminate processes.
    • systemctl: Manage system services.
  • Package Management:

    • Debian-based (e.g., Ubuntu): apt-get, apt-cache, dpkg.
    • Red Hat-based (e.g., CentOS): yum, rpm, dnf.
  • Network Configuration:

    • ifconfig, ip: Configure network interfaces.
    • ping, traceroute, netstat: Network troubleshooting.
    • iptables, ufw: Firewall management.


Command Prompt: The Command Prompt (cmd.exe) is the command line interpreter for Windows.

  • Basic Commands:
    • dir: List directory contents.
    • cd: Change directory.
    • copy: Copy files.
    • move: Move files.
    • del: Delete files.
    • attrib: Change file attributes.
    • netstat: Display network connections.
    • ping, tracert: Network troubleshooting.

PowerShell: PowerShell is a more powerful scripting language and command-line shell for task automation and configuration management.

  • Basic Commands (Cmdlets):
    • Get-Help: Get help about cmdlets.
    • Get-Command: List all available cmdlets.
    • Get-Process: Display running processes.
    • Stop-Process: Stop a process.
    • Get-Service, Start-Service, Stop-Service: Manage services.
    • Get-EventLog, New-EventLog: Manage event logs.
    • Get-ChildItem: List directory contents (similar to dir in cmd.exe).

System Administration:

  • User Management:

    • net user: Manage user accounts.
    • Get-LocalUser, New-LocalUser, Remove-LocalUser: PowerShell cmdlets for local users.
    • Get-LocalGroup, Add-LocalGroupMember, Remove-LocalGroupMember: Manage local groups.
  • Process Management:

    • Task Manager: GUI tool for managing processes.
    • tasklist: Display running processes.
    • taskkill: Terminate processes.
  • Package Management:

    • winget: Windows Package Manager.
    • choco: Chocolatey Package Manager (third-party).
  • Network Configuration:

    • ipconfig: Display network configuration.
    • netsh: Configure network settings.
    • firewall.cpl: Manage Windows Firewall.

Programming and Scripting


For Automation and Scripting:

  • Basic Syntax:

    • Variables, data types (int, float, string, list, tuple, dict).
    • Control structures (if-else, for, while).
    • Functions, modules, and packages.
  • Libraries:

    • os: Interact with the operating system.
    • sys: System-specific parameters and functions.
    • subprocess: Execute external commands.
    • re: Regular expressions.
    • requests: HTTP requests.
    • socket: Low-level networking interface.
  • Example Scripts:

  import os

  # List files in a directory

  # Execute a shell command
  os.system('echo Hello, World!')
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For Linux Command Line Scripting:

  • Basic Syntax:

    • Variables: VAR=value
    • Control structures: if-else, for, while, case
    • Functions: function_name() { commands; }
  • Common Commands:

    • echo: Display message.
    • read: Read user input.
    • grep, awk, sed: Text processing.
    • find, xargs: Find files and execute commands.
    • tar, gzip, bzip2: Archive and compress files.
  • Example Scripts:


  # List files in a directory
  ls /path/to/directory

  # Loop through files and print their names
  for file in /path/to/directory/*; do
    echo "Found file: $file"
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For Understanding Web Vulnerabilities:

  • Basic Syntax:

    • Variables: var, let, const
    • Functions: function name() { ... }
    • Control structures: if-else, for, while, switch
  • DOM Manipulation:

    • document.getElementById()
    • document.querySelector()
    • element.innerHTML, element.value
  • Event Handling:

    • element.addEventListener('click', function)
  • Common Vulnerabilities:

    • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS): Injecting malicious scripts.
    • Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF): Unauthorized actions on behalf of a user.
  • Example Script:

  // Display an alert
  alert('Hello, World!');

  // Change the content of a div
  document.getElementById('myDiv').innerHTML = 'New Content';
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Mastering these operating systems and scripting languages will provide a strong foundation for becoming a proficient ethical hacker. Practicing these skills through real-world projects, labs, and challenges will further enhance your capabilities.

Web Technologies

HTML, CSS, JavaScript

HTML (HyperText Markup Language): The standard language for creating web pages.

  • Basic Structure:
  <!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>Page Title</title>
      <h1>My First Heading</h1>
      <p>My first paragraph.</p>
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  • Elements and Tags: HTML consists of elements defined by tags. Examples include <h1>, <p>, <div>, <a>, <img>.
  • Attributes: Provide additional information about elements, such as href for links and src for images.
  <a href="">Visit Example</a>
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CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): A language used to style HTML documents.

  • Basic Syntax:
  body {
      background-color: lightblue;
  h1 {
      color: navy;
      margin-left: 20px;
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  • Selectors: Select HTML elements to apply styles. Types include element selectors, class selectors (.class), and ID selectors (#id).
  • Box Model: Consists of margins, borders, padding, and the content area.
  • Layouts: Use properties like display, position, float, flex, and grid to control layout.

JavaScript: A programming language used to create dynamic and interactive web content.

  • Basic Syntax:
  // Variables
  let x = 5;
  const y = 10;

  // Functions
  function sum(a, b) {
      return a + b;

  // Event Handling
  document.getElementById('myButton').addEventListener('click', function() {
      alert('Button clicked!');
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  • DOM Manipulation: Access and manipulate HTML elements using methods like getElementById, querySelector, and innerHTML.
  document.getElementById('myDiv').innerHTML = 'Hello, World!';
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Web Servers (Apache, Nginx)

Apache: A widely used open-source web server software.

  • Installation (Example on Ubuntu):
  sudo apt update
  sudo apt install apache2
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  • Configuration Files: Typically located in /etc/apache2/.

    • apache2.conf: Main configuration file.
    • sites-available/: Directory for virtual host configuration files.
    • mods-available/: Directory for module configuration files.
  • Starting and Stopping Apache:

  sudo systemctl start apache2
  sudo systemctl stop apache2
  sudo systemctl restart apache2
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Nginx: A high-performance web server and reverse proxy server.

  • Installation (Example on Ubuntu):
  sudo apt update
  sudo apt install nginx
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  • Configuration Files: Typically located in /etc/nginx/.

    • nginx.conf: Main configuration file.
    • sites-available/: Directory for virtual host configuration files.
  • Starting and Stopping Nginx:

  sudo systemctl start nginx
  sudo systemctl stop nginx
  sudo systemctl restart nginx
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SQL (Structured Query Language): Used for managing and manipulating relational databases.

  • Basic Commands:

    • Create Database and Table:
    CREATE DATABASE mydatabase;
    USE mydatabase;
    CREATE TABLE users (
        name VARCHAR(100),
        email VARCHAR(100),
        PRIMARY KEY (id)
    • Insert Data:
    INSERT INTO users (name, email) VALUES ('John Doe', '');
    • Query Data:
    SELECT * FROM users;

NoSQL: A category of database management systems that do not use SQL as their primary query language.

  • Types:

    • Document-Oriented: Stores data as JSON-like documents (e.g., MongoDB).
    • Key-Value Stores: Stores data as key-value pairs (e.g., Redis).
    • Column-Family Stores: Stores data in columns rather than rows (e.g., Cassandra).
    • Graph Databases: Stores data in graph structures (e.g., Neo4j).
  • Example (MongoDB):

    • Installation (Example on Ubuntu):
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install -y mongodb
    • Basic Commands:
    // Insert Document
    db.users.insert({ name: "John Doe", email: "" });
    // Query Documents

Cybersecurity Fundamentals

Information Security Principles

  1. Confidentiality: Ensures that information is only accessible to those authorized to have access.
    • Techniques: Encryption, access controls, authentication mechanisms.
  2. Integrity: Ensures that information is accurate and complete and has not been altered in an unauthorized manner.
    • Techniques: Checksums, hashes, digital signatures.
  3. Availability: Ensures that information and resources are available to those who need them when they need them.
    • Techniques: Redundancy, backups, disaster recovery plans.

Cryptography Basics

  1. Encryption: Process of converting plaintext into ciphertext to prevent unauthorized access.

    • Symmetric Encryption: Same key is used for encryption and decryption (e.g., AES).
    • Asymmetric Encryption: Uses a pair of keys, public and private (e.g., RSA).
  2. Hashing: Converts data into a fixed-size string of characters, which is typically a hash value.

    • Examples: MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256.
    • Purpose: Ensure data integrity, used in password storage and digital signatures.
  3. Digital Signatures: A cryptographic technique used to validate the authenticity and integrity of a message, software, or digital document.

    • Process: Combines hashing and asymmetric encryption.

Risk Management

  1. Risk Assessment: Identifying and evaluating risks to the organization’s information assets.

    • Steps: Identify assets, identify threats, assess vulnerabilities, determine impact, prioritize risks.
  2. Risk Mitigation: Implementing measures to reduce the impact or likelihood of risks.

    • Techniques: Implementing security controls, developing policies and procedures, employee training.
  3. Risk Monitoring: Continuously monitoring the security environment to detect and respond to new threats.

    • Activities: Regular audits, continuous monitoring, incident response plans.


Understanding web technologies, databases, and cybersecurity fundamentals is essential for ethical hacking and cybersecurity. Mastering these areas will help you identify and mitigate vulnerabilities effectively.

Ethical Hacking Techniques

1. Footprinting and Reconnaissance

Footprinting and reconnaissance are the first steps in the hacking process, involving the collection of as much information as possible about a target system to find ways to infiltrate it.


  • Passive Footprinting:

    • WHOIS Lookup: Obtain domain information (registrant details, nameservers).
    • DNS Reconnaissance: Gather information on DNS records.
    • Social Media and Public Sources: Collect information from LinkedIn, Facebook, company websites.
    • Google Dorking: Use advanced Google search operators to find sensitive information.
  • Active Footprinting:

    • Ping Sweeps: Determine live hosts on a network.
    • Traceroute: Map the route packets take to reach the target.
    • Email Harvesting: Gather email addresses associated with the domain.


  • Maltego: Visualization and data mining tool.
  • Recon-ng: Web reconnaissance framework.
  • theHarvester: Email, subdomain, and nameserver reconnaissance tool.

2. Scanning Networks

Scanning is the process of identifying live systems, open ports, and services running on a network. It helps in identifying vulnerabilities in the target systems.


  • Port Scanning: Identify open ports and services.
    • Types: TCP connect scan, SYN scan, UDP scan.
  • Network Mapping: Discover network topology and devices.
  • Vulnerability Scanning: Identify known vulnerabilities in systems and applications.


  • Nmap: Network discovery and security auditing tool.
  • Nessus: Vulnerability scanner.
  • OpenVAS: Open-source vulnerability scanner.

3. Enumeration

Enumeration involves extracting detailed information about a network and its resources. It includes obtaining usernames, machine names, network resources, shares, and services.


  • SNMP Enumeration: Extract information using the Simple Network Management Protocol.
  • LDAP Enumeration: Access directory services to extract information.
  • NetBIOS Enumeration: Gather information from Windows-based networks.
  • NFS Enumeration: List shared resources and services on UNIX/Linux systems.


  • Netcat: Network utility for reading and writing data across network connections.
  • enum4linux: Enumeration tool for Windows.
  • SNMPwalk: Retrieve information from SNMP-enabled devices.

4. Vulnerability Analysis

Vulnerability analysis involves identifying, quantifying, and prioritizing vulnerabilities in a system. This step is critical for understanding the security posture of the target.


  • Automated Scanning: Use automated tools to find known vulnerabilities.
  • Manual Analysis: Manually test for less obvious vulnerabilities.
  • Patch Management: Identify missing patches and updates.


  • Nessus: Comprehensive vulnerability scanner.
  • OpenVAS: Open-source vulnerability assessment system.
  • Qualys: Cloud-based vulnerability management tool.

5. System Hacking

System hacking involves gaining access to systems and escalating privileges to take control of the system.


  • Password Cracking: Guess or decrypt passwords using brute force, dictionary attacks, or rainbow tables.
  • Privilege Escalation: Gain higher-level permissions.
  • Creating Backdoors: Maintain access for future use.
  • Covering Tracks: Delete logs and hide evidence of intrusion.


  • Hydra: Password cracking tool.
  • Metasploit: Penetration testing framework.
  • John the Ripper: Password cracking tool.

6. Social Engineering

Social engineering involves manipulating individuals into divulging confidential information or performing actions that compromise security.


  • Phishing: Sending fraudulent emails to trick users into revealing information.
  • Pretexting: Creating a fabricated scenario to obtain information.
  • Baiting: Offering something enticing to users to steal information.
  • Tailgating: Gaining physical access by following someone with authorized access.


  • SET (Social-Engineer Toolkit): Framework for social engineering.
  • GoPhish: Phishing toolkit.

7. Wireless Network Hacking

Wireless network hacking involves compromising the security of wireless networks to gain unauthorized access.


  • WEP/WPA Cracking: Breaking weak encryption protocols.
  • Rogue Access Points: Setting up unauthorized access points to intercept traffic.
  • Evil Twin Attack: Mimicking a legitimate access point to gather credentials.


  • Aircrack-ng: Suite of tools for auditing wireless networks.
  • Reaver: Tool for brute force attacks against Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS).
  • Wireshark: Network protocol analyzer.

8. Web Server and Application Hacking

This involves exploiting vulnerabilities in web servers and applications to gain unauthorized access or data.


  • SQL Injection: Injecting malicious SQL queries.
  • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS): Injecting malicious scripts into web pages.
  • Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF): Forcing users to execute unwanted actions.
  • Directory Traversal: Accessing restricted directories and files.


  • Burp Suite: Web vulnerability scanner and proxy tool.
  • OWASP ZAP (Zed Attack Proxy): Web application security scanner.
  • SQLmap: Automated tool for SQL injection.

9. Session Hijacking

Session hijacking involves taking over a user's session to gain unauthorized access to information or services.


  • Session Fixation: Forcing a user's session ID to be the same as an attacker’s.
  • Session Sidejacking: Capturing session cookies over an unencrypted network.
  • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS): Injecting scripts to steal session cookies.


  • Wireshark: Capture and analyze network traffic.
  • Ettercap: Network protocol analyzer and security tool.
  • Hunt: Network sniffing and session hijacking tool.

10. Cryptography

Cryptography involves using mathematical techniques to secure information and communications.


  • Encryption: Converting plaintext to ciphertext to protect data.

    • Symmetric Encryption: Same key for encryption and decryption (e.g., AES).
    • Asymmetric Encryption: Public and private keys (e.g., RSA).
  • Hashing: Creating a fixed-size string from data (e.g., SHA-256).

  • Digital Signatures: Ensuring data integrity and authenticity.

  • Public Key Infrastructure (PKI): Managing digital certificates and keys.


  • OpenSSL: Toolkit for SSL/TLS and general-purpose cryptography.
  • GnuPG: Encryption and signing tool using the OpenPGP standard.
  • Hashcat: Advanced password recovery tool.


Mastering these ethical hacking techniques will equip you with the knowledge and skills to identify and exploit vulnerabilities effectively while maintaining ethical standards and ensuring compliance with legal frameworks.

Tools and Software for Ethical Hacking

1. Nmap

Nmap (Network Mapper): An open-source tool used for network discovery and security auditing.

  • Features:

    • Host Discovery: Identify live hosts on a network.
    • Port Scanning: Determine open ports and services.
    • Service Version Detection: Identify versions of running services.
    • OS Detection: Determine the operating system and its version.
    • Scriptable Interaction: Use Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) to perform various tasks such as vulnerability detection.
  • Basic Commands:

  # Basic port scan
  nmap <target>

  # Scan for specific ports
  nmap -p 22,80,443 <target>

  # Service version detection
  nmap -sV <target>

  # OS detection
  nmap -O <target>

  # Run a script
  nmap --script <script_name> <target>
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  • Example:
  # Scan for open ports on
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2. Wireshark

Wireshark: A network protocol analyzer used to capture and interactively browse network traffic.

  • Features:

    • Live Capture: Capture live network traffic.
    • Offline Analysis: Analyze saved capture files.
    • Protocol Decoding: Decode numerous protocols at multiple layers.
    • Display Filters: Apply filters to focus on specific traffic.
    • Packet Details: Inspect packet details, including headers and payloads.
  • Basic Usage:

    • Capture Traffic: Select an interface to start capturing.
    • Apply Filters: Use display filters to focus on specific traffic (e.g., http, tcp.port == 80).
    • Analyze Packets: Inspect packet details and follow streams.
  • Example:

  # Start Wireshark from the command line
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  • Common Filters:
    • ip.addr == Filter packets to/from IP address
    • tcp.port == 80: Filter HTTP traffic.
    • http.request: Filter HTTP requests.

3. Metasploit

Metasploit Framework: A penetration testing framework that provides tools for discovering, exploiting, and validating vulnerabilities.

  • Features:

    • Exploit Modules: Pre-packaged code to exploit vulnerabilities.
    • Payloads: Code executed on a target after exploitation.
    • Auxiliary Modules: Additional functionalities like scanning and fuzzing.
    • Post-Exploitation: Tools for maintaining access and gathering information.
    • Meterpreter: An advanced payload for post-exploitation.
  • Basic Commands:

  # Start Metasploit Console

  # Search for exploits
  search <keyword>

  # Use an exploit
  use <exploit_path>

  # Set target options
  set RHOST <target_ip>
  set LHOST <local_ip>

  # Execute exploit
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  • Example:
  # Search for an SMB exploit
  search smb

  # Use an exploit
  use exploit/windows/smb/ms17_010_eternalblue

  # Set target and local host IPs
  set RHOST
  set LHOST

  # Run the exploit
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4. Burp Suite

Burp Suite: A comprehensive tool for web application security testing.

  • Features:

    • Proxy: Intercept and modify HTTP/S traffic between the browser and server.
    • Scanner: Automated tool to detect vulnerabilities.
    • Intruder: Tool for automated attacks on web applications.
    • Repeater: Send and modify repeated requests.
    • Decoder: Decode and encode data.
    • Comparer: Compare responses to find differences.
  • Basic Usage:

    • Intercept Traffic: Configure the browser to use Burp's proxy.
    • Scan for Vulnerabilities: Use the scanner to find security issues.
    • Perform Attacks: Use Intruder to automate attacks (e.g., brute force).
    • Analyze Requests and Responses: Use Repeater to modify and resend requests.
  • Example:

  # Start Burp Suite
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  • Common Tasks:
    • Intercept Request: Capture and modify HTTP requests.
    • Scan Target: Perform an automated scan on a web application.
    • Brute Force Login: Use Intruder to brute force login credentials.

5. John the Ripper

John the Ripper: A fast password-cracking tool.

  • Features:

    • Password Cracking: Crack various password hashes.
    • Format Support: Supports many hash formats (e.g., MD5, SHA-1, NTLM).
    • Dictionary and Brute Force Attacks: Use wordlists or generate guesses.
    • Rule-Based Cracking: Apply rules to modify words in wordlists.
  • Basic Commands:

  # Crack password hash
  john <hash_file>

  # Specify wordlist
  john --wordlist=<wordlist_path> <hash_file>

  # Show cracked passwords
  john --show <hash_file>
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  • Example:
  # Crack a password hash using a wordlist
  john --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt hash.txt

  # Show cracked passwords
  john --show hash.txt
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6. Aircrack-ng

Aircrack-ng: A suite of tools for assessing Wi-Fi network security.

  • Features:

    • Monitoring: Capture packets on wireless networks.
    • Cracking: Crack WEP and WPA/WPA2-PSK keys.
    • Replay Attacks: Inject packets to generate traffic.
    • Deauthentication: Disconnect clients from networks.
    • Fake AP: Create fake access points.
  • Basic Commands:

  # Put wireless interface in monitor mode
  airmon-ng start <interface>

  # Capture packets
  airodump-ng <monitor_interface>

  # Crack WEP key
  aircrack-ng -b <target_bssid> <capture_file>

  # Crack WPA/WPA2 key using wordlist
  aircrack-ng -w <wordlist_path> -b <target_bssid> <capture_file>
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  • Example:
  # Start monitoring mode on wlan0
  airmon-ng start wlan0

  # Capture packets on the new monitor interface (e.g., wlan0mon)
  airodump-ng wlan0mon

  # Crack WPA key using a wordlist
  aircrack-ng -w /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt -b 00:11:22:33:44:55 capture_file.cap
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


These tools are essential for ethical hacking, each providing unique capabilities to discover, exploit, and secure vulnerabilities in systems and networks. Mastering these tools will significantly enhance your penetration testing and cybersecurity skills.

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