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Form tags of the ActionView::Helpers in Rails

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At the first,

There are several ways to make form tag, so I was confused for a while.

But, because of, I somewhat understand them or can use them now. Thanks!


If you're creating for a model or a form object, you use <% form_for: @person do |f| %> (ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder). Then, this way is easy.

<% BLOOD_TYPE::Names.each |key, value| do %>
  <%= f.radio_button(:bload_type, key, {checked: key == f.objethe ct.bload_type, class: 'bload_type'}) %>
  <%= value %>
<% end %>

<%= f.text_area(:description, {class: 'myself', rows: 6, placeholder: "self intro"}) %>

Rails will make the HTML tags which id, names are made from the object attribute names, AUTOMATICALLY!.

Of course, you can make tags by following way, but you have to write id and names by your hands. It wastes time...


If you are creating a form for NOT a model, just a form.

Maybe, you use <form_tag("/posts/#{}", method="post").

Then, you can't use f object.

It's like this.

<% BOOK::Categories.each do |key, value| %>
  <%= radio_button_tag(
        (key == f.object.category),
        class: 'my-class'
      ) %>
  <%= value %>
<% end %>

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