DEV Community

Yogesh Chavan
Yogesh Chavan

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Do you know why we check for response.ok while using fetch

Take a look at the below code:

 .then(response => response.json())
 .then(result => console.log('success:',result)) 
 .catch(error => console.log('error:', error));
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Here, we’re making an API call to get a todo with id 4 and it will work because there is todo with id 4.

API Call

But what If the id does not exist or the server throws an error like 404 or 500 or any other error?

 .then(response => response.json())
 .then(result => console.log('success:',result)) 
 .catch(error => console.log('error:', error));
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API Call

Here, we have provided a very large id that does not exist. But if you execute in the browser console, you will see that a success message is printed even though it’s clearly a 404 error.

Ideally, the .catch handler should be executed but that does not happen in the case of fetch.

fetch only goes into .catch handler when it fails to make the request for example when the network is not available or the domain does not exist.

So If you’re using fetch for performing the CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operation and the id does not exist then you will get an error.

This is the reason, you will find code for fetch written like this:

 .then((response) => {
   if (response.ok) { 
    return response.json();
   return Promise.reject(response); 
 .then((result) => { 
 .catch((error) => {
   console.log('Something went wrong.', error); 
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where inside the .then handler, we're checking if the response is ok. If the response is ok, we're calling a method that will send the result to the next handler.

If the response is not ok, then we're rejecting the promise so it will call the .catch handler to print the actual error.

That’s it for today.

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Top comments (4)

bias profile image
Tobias Nickel • Edited

I think you forget one thing,...

the error is now the response object. it does not have message or a stack.
I thing if ok or not, you you should r
response.text() or json. and then create an error object.

jessegilbride profile image
Jesse Gilbride

It should be logged, yes, but probably not terribly useful to the app user. Maybe better to send the log to the app maintainer.

bias profile image
Tobias Nickel

it is useful, when you want to show the user some more specific error what went wrong. giving him a tip to resolve the issue himself, maybe create or update someother entity first.

I would think this is terribly useful.

Thread Thread
jessegilbride profile image
Jesse Gilbride • Edited

Right, useful to the programmer.