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Cover image for Release of the new AI-GPT : Maker Of Minds
Maxime Guilbert
Maxime Guilbert

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Release of the new AI-GPT : Maker Of Minds

The Artificial Intelligence (or AI) had a huge growth over the last few months. But here we are at another level with this amazing AI.

Just to let you give a little bit of clues, this AI can go further than just talk with humans or speak with them. It can creates humans!

But do you believe me if I said to you that big corporations and armies all over the world knew this AI for a long long time and wanted to keep it secret?

I risk my life to share you this info!

What is "Maker of Minds" ?

Maker of Minds aka Mom, is the powerful intelligence on earth and it exists for many centuries!

It's objective is simple, create new "humans" with her intelligence and train them to be smarter than her and program them to create other Makers of Minds!

Some reports mentionned than a huge part of the current society is a Maker of Minds and not an human.

What are their objectives?

At the beginning, their objectives are to go further in the possible knowledge, discover and create new things.

But it seems now, they changed their minds and the new generation is scarier! They want to be happy in their life!

I've said to much about it. If you read this, please share this informations to other humans before it's too late!

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