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How to merge branch changes to main in github .

When working on a project with Git, it's common to create branches to isolate new features or bug fixes. Once your work is complete and tested, you'll want to merge those changes into the central codebase's main branch. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to merge your branch changes into main on GitHub.

  1. Commit Your Changes

Before merging, ensure all your changes in the branch are committed. Use the following commands:


git add .
git commit -m "Describe your changes"

For example:


git add .
git commit -m "arranged application buttons in order"

This will stage all your changes and commit them with a descriptive message.

  1. Switch to the main Branch

To merge changes into the main branch, first, switch to the main branch using:


git checkout main

This command ensures you're on the main branch, ready to integrate the changes.

  1. Merge the Branch into main

Now, merge your branch (e.g., RolesAndPermissions) into main:


git merge RolesAndPermissions

This command merges the changes from RolesAndPermissions into main. If there are no conflicts, the merge will complete successfully.

  1. Push the Changes to GitHub

After the merge, push the updated main branch to GitHub:


git push origin main

This command uploads your changes to the remote repository on GitHub, making them available to all collaborators.
Handling Merge Conflicts

In some cases, Git might encounter conflicts during the merge process. If this happens, Git will alert you to resolve conflicts manually. You’ll need to open the conflicting files, resolve the differences, and then complete the merge with:


git add
git commit -m "Resolved merge conflict"

Finally, push your changes to GitHub as mentioned in step 4.

Merging branch changes into main is a fundamental skill in Git. By following these steps, you can smoothly integrate your work into the main codebase, ensuring that your project remains organized and up-to-date. Regularly merging and pushing your work to GitHub helps maintain a clean and collaborative workflow.

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