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Cover image for PNPM: The Performant Package Manager for JavaScript
Uzeyr OZ
Uzeyr OZ

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PNPM: The Performant Package Manager for JavaScript

PNPM is a package manager used for managing JavaScript packages. Unlike other popular package managers such as NPM and Yarn, it uses symbolic links to reduce disk space usage.

📦 **Disk space usage: **npm downloads and stores a separate copy of each package, which can quickly take up a lot of disk space. PNPM, on the other hand, stores packages in a single location and uses symbolic links to share them across projects, reducing disk space usage.

🔗 Symbolic links: PNPM uses symbolic links to share packages between projects, whereas npm downloads a separate copy of each package for each project. This makes PNPM more efficient in terms of disk space and installation times.

⏱️ Installation times: PNPM's use of symbolic links means that installation times are generally faster than with npm.

💻 Community support: npm has a larger community and is more widely used, meaning that there is more documentation and support available. PNPM is gaining popularity quickly but is still newer than npm.

As for where the name PNPM comes from, it stands for "Performant NPM." The goal of PNPM is to improve on some of the issues faced by other package managers like npm and Yarn, including disk space usage and installation times.

Now, here's a re-written explanation of how to migrate a project to PNPM with emojis on each line:

🚀 To migrate your project to PNPM:

📥 Install PNPM using npm or yarn by running the following command in your terminal:

npm install -g pnpm
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🔑 #npm #pnpm #yarn

📂 Navigate to your project directory and run the following command to install all dependencies listed in the package.json file:

pnpm install

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📦 #dependencies #packagejson

🔍 Delete the package-lock.json or yarn.lock files in your project directory. These files are not needed as PNPM manages dependencies using symbolic links.
🔗 #symboliclinks #packagelockjson #yarnlock

🚀 Finally, to run your project, use the following command:

pnpm start

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🚀 #start #run #pnpm

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