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Muzammil Dafedar
Muzammil Dafedar

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Deep dive into Architectural patterns

Let's begin with What is an Architectural Pattern?

An architecture pattern is a general, reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem in software architecture. It provides a structure or blueprint for designing, building, and deploying software systems. Architecture patterns help ensure that software systems are scalable, maintainable, and efficient, while also addressing key concerns such as security, performance, and reliability.

Architecture patterns can be used to design various types of software systems, such as web applications, mobile apps, and enterprise systems. Examples of architecture patterns include Model-View-Controller (MVC), Microservices, Layered Architecture, and Event-Driven Architecture. These patterns are based on best practices and principles, and have been proven to work effectively in real-world scenarios.

Using architecture patterns can save time and resources, as developers do not have to start from scratch for every project. Instead, they can leverage existing patterns to solve common problems, and focus on developing unique features that add value to the system. Additionally, architecture patterns promote consistency and standardization, making it easier for developers to understand and maintain code written by others.

Yes yes yes !! i know what is architecture patterns.

Here's a comprehensive list of architecture patterns commonly used in software development

  1. Model-View-Controller (MVC)
  2. Microservices
  3. Layered architecture
  4. Event-driven architecture
  5. Domain-driven design (DDD)
  6. Service-oriented architecture (SOA)
  7. Component-based architecture
  8. Message-driven architecture
  9. Hexagonal architecture (Ports and Adapters)
  10. Clean architecture
  11. Pipeline architecture
  12. Blackboard architecture
  13. Space-based architecture
  14. Peer-to-peer architecture
  15. Client-server architecture
  16. Three-tier architecture
  17. N-Tier architecture
  18. Monolithic architecture
  19. Serverless architecture
  20. Event sourcing architecture
  21. CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) architecture
  22. Publish-Subscribe architecture
  23. Federated architecture
  24. Data-centric architecture
  25. Object-oriented architecture
  26. Functional architecture

Model-View-Controller (MVC)

MVC is a widely-used architectural pattern that separates an application into three interconnected components: Model, View, and Controller. The Model represents the data and business logic, the View represents the user interface, and the Controller acts as an intermediary between the two, handling user input and updating the Model and View as needed.


Microservices is an architectural pattern that structures an application as a collection of small, independent services, each responsible for a specific function or feature. These services communicate with each other through APIs, allowing for a high degree of flexibility and scalability. Microservices can be deployed independently, making it easier to add or remove functionality without affecting the rest of the application.

Layered architecture
Layered architecture is a pattern that organizes an application into layers, each responsible for a specific aspect of the application's functionality. The most common layers are the presentation layer (which handles user interaction), the business logic layer (which handles data processing and business rules), and the data access layer (which handles data storage and retrieval). This pattern promotes modularity and scalability, as well as separation of concerns.

Event-driven architecture
Event-driven architecture is a pattern that allows applications to respond to events in real-time. In this pattern, events are generated by a variety of sources (such as user input, system events, or external services), and are processed by one or more event handlers. These event handlers can trigger additional events or actions, creating a chain reaction of events. This pattern is particularly useful for applications that require real-time processing, such as IoT devices or financial trading systems.

Domain-driven design (DDD)
Domain-driven design is a pattern that focuses on the core domain of an application, and models it using objects, relationships, and behaviors. This pattern promotes collaboration between domain experts and software developers, and encourages the use of a common language to describe the domain. DDD can lead to more maintainable and extensible software, as well as better alignment with business requirements.

Service-oriented architecture (SOA)
Service-oriented architecture is a pattern that structures an application as a collection of loosely-coupled, interoperable services. These services can be reused across different applications, providing a high degree of flexibility and scalability. SOA promotes separation of concerns and encapsulation of functionality, making it easier to modify and maintain an application over time.

Component-based architecture
Component-based architecture is a pattern that structures an application as a collection of reusable, independent components. These components can be assembled to create different applications, allowing for a high degree of flexibility and modularity. Component-based architecture promotes code reuse, reducing development time and improving maintainability.

Message-driven architecture
Message-driven architecture is a pattern that allows applications to communicate through asynchronous message passing. In this pattern, messages are sent between different components of an application, allowing for loosely-coupled communication and improved scalability. Message-driven architecture is particularly useful for applications that require high levels of concurrency or scalability, such as social media platforms or high-traffic e-commerce

Hexagonal architecture (Ports and Adapters)
Hexagonal architecture, also known as Ports and Adapters, is an architecture pattern that promotes a clean separation between the application's core logic and its external interfaces. The core logic is isolated from the external interfaces and interacts with them through well-defined interfaces or ports.

Clean Architecture
Clean Architecture is an architecture pattern that emphasizes the separation of concerns and the use of dependency inversion. Clean Architecture focuses on creating a stable and independent core business logic that is isolated from the framework and technology-specific details.

Pipeline architecture
Pipeline architecture is a software architecture pattern that involves breaking down a complex process into smaller, independent tasks or stages that are connected in a linear sequence or pipeline. Each stage in the pipeline processes a portion of the input data and passes the output to the next stage, which processes the output of the previous stage, and so on until the final stage produces the desired output.

Blackboard Architecture
This architecture pattern is based on the concept of a blackboard where multiple knowledge sources collaborate to solve a complex problem. The blackboard contains information and knowledge about the problem, and the knowledge sources contribute to the problem-solving process by updating and interpreting the information on the blackboard.

Space-based Architecture
This pattern involves breaking down a complex application into smaller, independent processing nodes that communicate through a shared memory space. Each node processes a portion of the application's workload and shares the results with other nodes through the shared memory space.

Peer-to-Peer Architecture
In a peer-to-peer architecture, each node or device in the network has the same capabilities and responsibilities. This architecture pattern is often used in decentralized systems, such as file-sharing networks, where each node can act as both a client and a server.

Client-Server Architecture
This pattern involves dividing an application into two main components: the client, which requests services or data from the server, and the server, which provides the requested services or data to the client.

Three-Tier Architecture
This pattern divides an application into three main tiers: the presentation tier, the application logic tier, and the data storage tier. The presentation tier is responsible for presenting information to the user, the application logic tier processes requests and performs business logic, and the data storage tier stores and retrieves data.

N-Tier Architecture
N-Tier architecture extends the three-tier architecture by adding additional tiers, such as a services tier or a caching tier, to improve performance and scalability.

Monolithic Architecture
In a monolithic architecture, all components of an application are combined into a single executable or deployment unit. This pattern can be simple to develop and deploy but can be difficult to scale and maintain.

Serverless Architecture
Serverless architecture involves deploying application logic to a cloud provider and allowing the provider to handle scaling and infrastructure management. This pattern can reduce operational costs and improve scalability.

Event Sourcing Architecture
This pattern involves storing all changes made to an application's state as a sequence of events. The application can then be reconstructed from these events, enabling greater flexibility and auditability.

CQRS Architecture
This pattern separates the responsibility for handling read and write requests in an application. The Command component handles write requests, while the Query component handles read requests.

Publish-Subscribe Architecture
This pattern involves sending messages from publishers to subscribers through a message broker or bus. This pattern can enable loosely coupled communication between components and can improve scalability.

Federated Architecture
Federated architecture allows multiple, independent systems to work together through a shared interface or protocol. This pattern is often used in complex, distributed systems.

Data-Centric Architecture
In a data-centric architecture, the data is at the center of the design, and the application's components are designed to access and manipulate the data.

Object-Oriented Architecture
Object-oriented architecture involves designing an application's components as objects with well-defined interfaces and behavior. This pattern can promote modularity, flexibility, and maintainability.

Functional Architecture
In a functional architecture, the application's components are designed as functions that take input and produce output. This pattern can promote simplicity, testability, and scalability.

In conclusion, software architecture patterns provide a set of best practices and guidelines for designing and implementing software systems. Each pattern has its unique advantages and disadvantages, and choosing the right pattern depends on the specific requirements and constraints of the project. By using software architecture patterns, developers can create robust, scalable, and maintainable software systems that meet the needs of users and stakeholders.

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