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My JavaScript journal

I am a beginner in learning JavaScript, oh my goodness, it can be so difficult some days!

I will keep a journal to track my progress and development.

That will help me stay motivated and not lose hope.
I've realized that JavaScript is completely different from learning CSS and HTML.

I spent several weeks trying to understand CSS flexbox and CSS grid, and now I've encountered an even more challenging beast: the realm of JavaScript.

This journal will be written in a somewhat fictionalized manner :) I love video games, especially World of Warcraft! I've been playing it for 18 years now (oh my goodness... time flies).

I can indeed help myself by explaining the workings of JavaScript, as when I explain what I have just learned, it further enhances my understanding of its logic.

It allows me to solidify my knowledge by articulating concepts and processes in my own words.
Additionally, writing about JavaScript can serve as a reference for my future learning and troubleshooting.

So I should go ahead and document my journey in my journal—it will not only aid my understanding but also serve as a valuable resource for my continued growth in JavaScript.

In this journal, we will follow the adventures of Murloc the Noob, Sylvanas the Huntress, Arthas the valiant Paladin, Onyxia the Dragon, and other adorable characters from World of Warcraft.

Top comments (2)

ashishk1331 profile image
Ashish Khare😎

Yay! Hope you have fun while learning javascript. hehe!

murloc-craft profile image

Hello !:) Thank you <3 i'am just starting the loop, (Oh my god it is very strange...) but i'm a warrior and i win this battle :-)