DEV Community

Murat Tekin
Murat Tekin

Posted on

45%, May the Force Be With Me, Please?

Alright, up to this point I have devoted myself like crazy but the time is running out for me because I am running out of money! I need to find a job at the very latest till the beginning of February and I had to make a decision: with 2 months of dedicated programming studying, the chances of landing a job with my programming abilities would still be quite thin, most probably. So in order to increase my chances of getting a job with at least one of the things that I devote myself to, I chose German...
In 8 months, I have completed B1-Level (I did it 2 days ago) and it is my plan to complete B2-Level just in 6 weeks and find a job with my German skills. And after I get the job, I will concentrate on my programming skills. And when someday I prove that I know German at B2 level, I will apply for a job seeker visa and maybe I will get my first programming job in Germany, who knows!
But one more thing to mention, there is also a possibility that I drive a rich guy's daughters to school and get paid minimum wage while sparing only a small amount of my time. With that, I can actually revert back to my old routine and complete my JavaScript course first, then complete John Smilga's course on React, since it has the most amount of projects!

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