My first attempt at WebRTC was to implement a video call feature within a Laravel Application. The implementation involved ...
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Well I have successfully connected, and it worked too. I have one question? Do we have any peer connection limitations? Cant this this be used as a live stream which can have millions of viewers watching it together?
You'll need to modify the code. The limiting factor is the number of users that can be accommodated on a presence channel.
By the way how many users were able to connect to it after you got it to work?
Can you explain what did you changed in code because mine join stream button not work??
do you have any error messages in the browser console?
No it's not showing any error or message in console.
I think this method is not hitting in Viewer.vue component
({ data }) => {
console.log("Signal Offer from private channel");
this.broadcasterId = data.broadcaster;
this.createViewerPeer(data.offer, data.broadcaster);
okay. are you connecting on the same local network?
Yes I am connecting on same local network but join stream button not working
I have tried everything discussed above, but im not being able to get the peer connection by turn server. Is there any other way I can connect my peer ? My project currently turns on the camera for the broadcaster with a streaming link, but when the viewer hits join stream. Nothing happens!
Do you have any errors in your browser console?
No. Its just nothing happens after the viewer clicks... When I console log I see
like this
Ps. The broadcaster video starts, and I also have the sharing link... But when the viewers gets into the link and tries to join this happens^
Were you able to set up the TURN/STUN server? If not, comment out the following code from the peer instance and test again. In this case, both the broadcaster and viewer should be on the same network.
The code to comment out:
i did commented out and tried, is there any other way to get the peer connection apart from turn/stun server? It would be really nice if you can use my teamviewer for some time please?
I need a live-streaming with live chat included for my content support website, like a live chat where livestreamers can receive gifts from users, like it is done on BIGO and TikTok. Is this achievable?
Yeah. That is possible.
hi, is it possible to run the project without a turn server? for example with xampp or wampserver
The TURN/STUN server is not needed to run your webserver. It is used during the signaling process between 2 peers. Run the application like any laravel application on your xampp or wampserver.
Comment out the following code. It will work if both devices are on the same network:
Ive commented this out from bradcast, viewer, and app js. Still not working. I use php artisan serve. Do i need to use xampp?
Hi Dario, if I may ask, did you commented all of the occurance of config details for turn server?
Ive commented all of it in broadcast, viewer and app js file. Still the join stream wont work.
Hello Muhammad. I commented on the config details and the camera and sound of the sender can be activated but the image is not reaching the receiver
Join stream button not working bro.
What's the error in your browser console?
Not getting any issue on console.
how i can save video after stream ?
I didn't handle that but you can explore the MediaRecorder API developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/W...
Such solutions exist so you can do some googling too.
can someone guide how they reduced or removed the echo from the stream
I have tried everything discussed above, and also comment iceServers code on both vue file but join stream button is not working and not getting any issue in my console.
As in the Livestream works but it's very slow at the viewer's end? If that is the case you should note that there are optimizations to be considered if you want to implement this at scale.
After Logged In I Get this Empty page.
I have tried everything discussed above, but im not being able to get the peer connection by turn server. Is there any other way I can connect my peer ? Does This Package Support for Laravel 7.0
Hello everyone please i need help with this code how come it ain't working for me. when i visit the /stream route all i get is the extended layout. Please can someone enlighten me
there are a way to create it using jQuery ?
yeah you can. It's just javascript.
I use windows and I have trouble when install COTURN and Set up ICE SERVER (TURN SERVER). do you have any sugest? thanks
I want to create a two people chat rooms in laravel. Can you help me to do it? It is a shared pomodoro sessión. Just two guys sharing a pomodoro timer. Can you do it for me?
sure, I can help with that. scientificgh[at]gmail.com to discuss further
hi am having issues doing it
which issue?