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Concurrent Redis writes and correctness (Take 2)

Last year I wrote a blog post on concurrency control and ensuring data consistency while caching things to redis from multiple processes.

Recently I revisited the blog post again and I couldn't help wonder how over-complicated my final solution was. Custom lua script and stuff!?

Here is my attempt to fix what I started. Going back to the initial requirements:

  1. Congestion Control - We need to try our best to call fetchFreshValues() as few times as possible, across all server processes, since it is expensive (how expensive? e.g. it was a super slow end-point that internally fires 100 of MySQL queries, which if it runs too many times, will slow the database down to a halt).
  2. Data Consistency - We need to make sure that all processes returns a consistent value for a key. i.e. let's say our system calls fetchFreshValues() independently & parallelly from two processes, then only one should successfully write to redis whereas the other must fail.

Last blog post I established that redlock (a distributed lock algorithm from folks at redis) is great at congestion control, even though there could be edge cases where two processes manage to get a lock.

However for ensuring data consistency in the case two processes simultaneously gets hold of a lock, I did not have to go with a "versioned" solution. All I needed is redis to not overwrite a key if it already has a value. A simple SET NX command would have done the trick.

> SET myKey "myValue" EX 60 NX
> SET myKey "myValue" EX 60 NX
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

When a key expires, and if, two processes manage to get a lock, then only the first write would succeed. Which is what we wanted and is also how the old solution effectively worked. And with the return value, we can detect if a write succeeded or not.

Love the simplicity of this solution over the previous one. That's all for this post. Thanks for reading.

This post was reposted from Follow my blog at for long-form articles.

Top comments (2)

vishalraj82 profile image
Vishal Raj

@munawwar Did you run some benchmarks for with and without NX flag ?

munawwar profile image

Nope. Without NX, it would always overwrite the value right? Which means potentially two different values can be returned. So, rather than that, allow one, block anyone trying to overwrite, and make them read from redis again.