DEV Community

Mitchel M
Mitchel M

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Backend Development Problem Solving

I embarked on a journey to create a more meaningful back end project because a lot of people online were saying that tic-tac-toe and other minute projects should not be in your portfolio.

I installed Django, the virtual environment and got to work. I linked different components together and it was kinda fun. I felt useful for once. I was creating a listing web application using Python, Django, JavaScript, CSS and HTML. One concept led to another and I was learning a lot. Then boom my project crushed.

This was the first time it crashed, I became devastated tried to read the error messages and then realized that I had not included the load static tag. After this encounter I became more keen on reading all error messages, however long they might be line by line.

The second time I had a problem with my project was because a table did not exist in the database and I figured out that I had not made the migrations. With time it became easier for me to debug my project as I had a full understanding of what I was dealing with.

The experience I gained from the project which I named MumiakGuides gave me the confidence to work on other projects like Crud Operations, Sportiffy(sport blog inspired directly by MumiakGuides), Full Stack To do App, Book Distribution Expense Tracker among others.

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