Hello, Friends! Today, I solved three problems on LeetCode: Letter Combination of a Phone Number, Container with Most Water, and Rotate Array. Solving different problems every day helps us to think about problems from different angles. There are many ways to solve a problem. If you find one way to solve it, don't stop there, try to optimize the solution further. This will help you to find the most efficient way of solving the given problem.
Letter Combination of a Phone Number:
It can be solved with backtracking but one base condition will suffice in it. In this problem, it asks for all the possible character combinations linked to a number present in the given input. We'll stop executing the function based on its base condition at some stage, which will help in effectively solving the problem.
Container with Most Water:
In this problem we are going to find the area that can be created. The solution to this problem can be easily created using the two-pointer technique, moving one from one end of the array and moving the other from the beginning of the array.
Rotate Array:
Here we have to rotate the array by given number of places. The job can be done by using slices of the array according to the position, and the result array will be created after appending the slices in a proper order. This solves the problem in an efficient way.
Hope my experience will be useful for you.
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