DEV Community

Muhammad Mobeen
Muhammad Mobeen

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My Journey as a Maintainer: Hactoberfest 2023 Experience


The month of October has always been a special time for open-source enthusiasts around the world, as it marks the annual celebration of Hacktoberfest. This event, initiated by DigitalOcean in collaboration with various partners, brings together developers, contributors, and maintainers to celebrate open source and contribute to projects they are passionate about. This year, I had the privilege of being on the other side of the table as a maintainer, and I want to share my experiences and insights from Hacktoberfest 2023.

Becoming a Maintainer
For years, I had been an active participant in Hacktoberfest as a contributor. It was a fantastic way to learn, collaborate with like-minded developers, and make meaningful contributions to open source projects. However, this year, I decided to take on a new role and become a maintainer for a project I deeply cared about.

The decision to become a maintainer was not taken lightly. It required careful planning and preparation. I knew I had to be more than just a code reviewer; I needed to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for contributors, guide them through the contribution process, and ensure that their efforts were valued. I had to prepare my project, create clear documentation, and establish guidelines for contributions.


One of the first steps was preparing my project for Hacktoberfest. I reviewed and updated the project's documentation to make it more accessible to newcomers. I created a list of issues tagged with "Hacktoberfest" and ensured they were well-documented and explained clearly. I also set up automated testing to streamline the review process.

Clear Communication
Clear communication is the key to successful collaboration in open source. I made sure to be available on the project's communication channels to answer questions, provide guidance, and offer feedback promptly. Creating a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere for contributors was crucial. This involved using positive and constructive language, acknowledging contributions, and encouraging discussions and feedback.

Guiding Contributors
Hacktoberfest often attracts contributors with varying skill levels. As a maintainer, I needed to guide them effectively. This meant breaking down issues into smaller, manageable tasks and providing step-by-step instructions. I also welcomed first-time contributors and offered mentorship whenever needed. By ensuring that the contribution process was as straightforward as possible, I helped contributors succeed and learn in the process.

Quality Over Quantity
While the main goal of Hacktoberfest is to encourage contributions, I emphasized quality over quantity. Instead of encouraging random and meaningless contributions, I guided contributors to make meaningful, impactful changes to the project. This approach not only benefits the project but also helps contributors grow as developers.

Acknowledging Contributors
Recognizing and appreciating contributors is vital. Throughout Hacktoberfest, I thanked every contributor for their efforts and acknowledged their work. It's important to make every contributor feel valued and appreciated, as this encourages them to continue contributing to open source projects in the future.


My experience as a maintainer during Hacktoberfest 2023 was both challenging and rewarding. It gave me a newfound appreciation for the hard work that maintainers put into their projects. It was incredible to witness the enthusiasm and creativity of contributors as they worked together to improve the project. Being a maintainer allowed me to foster a sense of community and encourage learning and growth, and I'm excited to continue my journey as a maintainer in the open-source world.

Hacktoberfest is not just about the free swag; it's about the celebration of open source and the spirit of collaboration. Whether you're a maintainer or a contributor, your efforts make a difference in the world of open source, and I encourage everyone to participate in the next Hacktoberfest and be part of this incredible community.

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