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Muhammad Azis Husein
Muhammad Azis Husein

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3 Main Aspects To Boost Life & Career

As humans, our nature is to constantly strive for a better life. We try various approaches in our daily routines, facing many trials and errors along the way. But what truly matters to us? To be honest, I don't have a definitive answer. Perhaps it's unique for each person. Here, I'll share my insights based on what I've learned so far.

📚 Continuous Learnings

When I think about improving my life, the first thing that comes to mind is learning. I believe we can't have a better life if we don't make ourselves better. So, I'm always looking for ways to learn and grow each day. It's not always easy, but I keep reminding myself that it's worth it. Every new thing I learn feels like a small step towards a better future. It's like slowly building a better version of myself, one lesson at a time.

There are several approaches to learning something new. I'll share some of my approaches here. My first approach to trying to learn a new thing or find out what I should learn is by engaging with educational content. Whether it's an Instagram account sharing today's tech, tech professionals on Twitter sharing their thoughts, or someone on YouTube giving free courses. All of these may not help me learn something deeply, but in my case, they're great triggers to fill my daily life with educational content. We're more likely to be reminded to learn if we often see educational content, right?

Reading is at the heart of my self-improvement journey. I've discovered that surrounding myself with interesting content keeps my mind curious and ready to learn. It started with subscribing to free newsletters about topics that fascinate me. From there, I found myself diving into articles and research papers, exploring ideas that catch my attention. To keep the momentum going, I always have an ebook on hand – thanks to Google Play Books, I can learn something new during my commute or before bed. It's amazing how these small reading habits add up, constantly feeding my brain with fresh knowledge and perspectives.

Learning isn't just about absorbing information – it's about putting it into practice. That's why I make sure to balance my reading with hands-on exercises. To keep my mind sharp, I've made LeetCode problems part of my daily routine. Sure, I stick to the easy ones for now, but hey, we all start somewhere, right? The real fun begins when I take on mini projects. There's something incredibly satisfying about building something that uses the concepts I've just learned. It's like watching my knowledge come to life right before my eyes. These practical challenges not only reinforce what I've learned but also boost my confidence. After all, there's no better way to prove you understand something than by actually doing it.

🫧 Broaden Connections

Okay, let's say we have learned a lot of things and dug very deep, then what? Our value will stay hidden if we don't make it public. That's why we need to build a social presence and try to reach more people to make them aware of and consider our value. Not only that, being connected with many people can also enrich our knowledge. They could give us hidden insights, share advice, and provide many other benefits.

Building a social presence doesn't have to be daunting – it's all about starting small and being genuine. The simplest way to begin is by engaging with content that resonates with you. See a post you like? Give it a thumbs up or a heart. Found something particularly insightful? Don't hesitate to share it with your network. As you grow more comfortable, try leaving thoughtful comments on posts related to topics you're familiar with or currently learning about. This could mean expressing agreement or disagreement (always respectfully, of course), adding your own insights to the discussion, or even offering constructive feedback when you have relevant expertise. Remember, the goal isn't to show off, but to contribute meaningfully to the conversation. Each interaction is a chance to learn, share, and connect. Before you know it, you'll find yourself part of a vibrant community of like-minded learners and thinkers.

Once you've found your footing in the community, it's time to take the next exciting step: sharing your own thoughts. Think of it as giving back to the community that has enriched your learning journey. Don't worry about being an expert or writing groundbreaking analyses – the most valuable content often comes from personal experiences. Share your "aha!" moments, the challenges you've overcome, or even the questions you're still grappling with. Your learning journey, with all its ups and downs, could be exactly what someone else needs to read. Remember, every expert was once a beginner, and your perspective as a learner is uniquely valuable. As you start sharing, you'll likely find that articulating your thoughts helps solidify your own understanding. It's true what they say: the more you share, the more you learn. So go ahead, add your voice to the conversation – you never know who you might inspire or what new insights you might gain in return.

🎯 Set a Clear Goals

It's natural to feel overwhelmed sometimes on this journey of constant learning. After years of absorbing new information and expanding my network globally, I hit a wall. I found myself wondering, "Why does the list of things to learn seem to grow endlessly?" It felt like I was running on a treadmill that kept speeding up. But then, I took a step back and realized something crucial: I needed to revisit my goals. In the excitement of learning, it's easy to lose sight of why we started in the first place. Taking the time to reflect and clarify my objectives was like finding a compass in a sea of information. It helped me understand which knowledge truly mattered for my personal and professional growth, and which could take a backseat. This clarity didn't make the world of knowledge any smaller, but it did make navigating it much more manageable and purposeful. Sometimes, the key to moving forward is pausing to ensure you're still on the right path.

Having a clear vision and mission is like having a powerful magnifying glass for your learning journey. It helps you focus your energy on what truly matters, saving you from the exhaustion of trying to learn everything at once. Think of it as creating a personalized roadmap for your growth. With this clarity, you can prioritize which skills to develop and which connections to nurture. It's about working smarter, not harder. To make this process even more effective, consider employing tried-and-true mental models. The 80/20 principle, for instance, might help you identify the 20% of skills that will yield 80% of your desired results. First principles thinking can help you break down complex topics into fundamental truths, making learning more manageable. And the SMART method ensures your goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. By combining your clear vision with these powerful tools, you're not just learning – you're strategically investing in your future self. Remember, the goal isn't to know everything, but to know the right things that align with your personal and professional aspirations.

📙 Do It On Your Own Pace

Take a deep breath and relax. Learning is a marathon, not a sprint, so there's no need to exhaust yourself trying to reach the finish line overnight. Remember to give yourself permission to rest and recharge. Your brain needs downtime to process all that amazing information you're absorbing. Think of your learning journey as a scenic road trip rather than a race. Enjoy the view, take detours when something interesting catches your eye, and don't forget to make pit stops. And here's a crucial tip: resist the urge to compare your chapter 1 to someone else's chapter 20. Everyone's learning path is unique, with its own twists, turns, and timing. Your pace is perfect for you. So, kick back, relax, and celebrate how far you've come. After all, the joy is in the journey, not just the destination. Keep growing, but do it at a rhythm that feels right for you. Your future self will thank you for the balanced approach!

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