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Mubasshir Ahmed
Mubasshir Ahmed

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Shell Scripting CheatSheet

echo hello : to print anything.
echo $PATH: to show all the paths in my machine.
which echo:
pwd: present working directory. it will show my current directory.
ls -l : will print folder structure with additional info.
mv test new_test : rename test folder to new_test
cp test.csv new_test : it will copy test.csv to new_test directory cp ${selected file or directory}${directory name where file will be moved}
rm full_doc_test.csv : to remove a file
rmdir test : to remove empty directory
man ls : it will show the manual about ls.
ctrl+l : to clear terminal
echo hello > hello.txt : it will create a txt file and write hello on it .
cat hello.txt : it will print the content of file .
cat < hello.txt : it will open hello.txt, and takes its content as input of cat. and cat will show it's output.
cat < hello.txt > hello2.txt : it will open hello.txt, and takes its content as input of cat and then wrtie input to hello2.txt
ls -l / | tail -n1: tail-n1 print last line . | this name is pipe . pipe takes the outpur of the program to the left and make it input to program is in right . ls-lshow folder structure and pipe takes it's output and make it as input of tail -n1 . pipe wires left side program to right side program .
curl : a command line tool that enables data exchange between a device and a server through a terminal
curl - head - silent

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cd /sys showing kernal parameter

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cd /class-> it will show devices directory that machine can interact with from where I can modify device like pc brightness etc .

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