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Cover image for how to: open a component like a sheet modal using ionic 7
Matheus Padilha
Matheus Padilha

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how to: open a component like a sheet modal using ionic 7

Hello folks!

Last week, I got a little task at work that kept me busy the whole Friday.

Here, we prefer to use modals as components. In Ionic, we can't use the trigger property, like this:

<ion-modal trigger="open-modal" (willDismiss)="onWillDismiss($event)">
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Since the trigger event is not present in the DOM, Ionic will give an exception saying โ€˜trigger property should be in the DOM,โ€™ or something like that.

My goal was to add breakpoints and an animation and make a sheet modal. If I could use the trigger tag, it would be done this way:

<ion-modal #modal trigger="open-modal" 
[breakpoints]="[0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75]">
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But we are not in an ion-modal, nor are we triggering the modal with its own property. To add more context to my problem, the component I want to open was

     <!-- html -->

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see? no ion-modal

what I did was add my initialBreakpoint and breakpoints in the async function as properties of the modalOptions interface.

export interface ModalOptions<T extends ComponentRef = ComponentRef> {
  component: T;
  componentProps?: ComponentProps<T>;
  presentingElement?: HTMLElement;
  showBackdrop?: boolean;
  backdropDismiss?: boolean;
  cssClass?: string | string[];
  delegate?: FrameworkDelegate;
  animated?: boolean;
  canDismiss?: boolean | ((data?: any, role?: string) => Promise<boolean>);
  mode?: Mode;
  keyboardClose?: boolean;
  id?: string;
  htmlAttributes?: {
    [key: string]: any;
  enterAnimation?: AnimationBuilder;
  leaveAnimation?: AnimationBuilder;
  breakpoints?: number[];
  initialBreakpoint?: number;
  backdropBreakpoint?: number;
  handle?: boolean;
  handleBehavior?: ModalHandleBehavior;
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More to explore in the future

Thus, my call to open the modal looks like this. Breakpoints go from 0 to 1, and 1 means fully opened.

 async openModal(params: any) {
    const modal = await this.modalController.create({
      component: ComponentBlabla,
      componentProps: {
        params: params
        initialBreakpoint: 1,
        breakpoints: [1, 0.75, 0.25],
        animated: true,

    await modal.present();
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and like this, you have a component opened like a sheet modal!
It is easy, but I didnโ€™t find anyone doing it like this or much in the Ionic docs.

Hope this will be helpful to someone one day!
Thank you and cya guys!

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