After an amazing version 7.x in 2017, a new C# is being built and it is going to include new useful features.
However, if you don’t know the new features in C# 7.x, you must read the following posts; you can’t imagine how you can improve your code using this new features:
A specific roadmap for C# is not published, but now we can check the new features coming in the official repository:
Nullable reference types:
A great feature was introduced in C# 6. The Null-conditional operator helps to check if an object or variable is null before accessing an internal value. For example:
int? length = mynumbers?.Length;
Unfortunately, we cannot use this feature for String Type. In this case, the feature consists in allowing the developers to declare a String type as Nullable:
String? strVar = null;
var length = strVar?.Length;
Async Streams:
Basically, async streams are the asynchronous equivalent of IEnumerable. This feature allows the developers to use the async keyword within a foreach as the following syntax:
foreach await (string s in asyncStream)
In order to use that code, you have to define the collection as IAsyncEnumerable:
async IAsyncEnumerable MethodName()
Default Interface Implementations:
Let’s start checking the following code:
Interface ICal
Void TurnOn();
Calculator : ICal
void TurnOn()
Everything is easier using interfaces and as we know, we can use multiple implementations. But if we want to add a new method within the interface, all the classes implementing that interface need to create a local method with the same name and return the same value.
Now in C# 8, we can implement a method directly within the interface like this:
Interface ICar
Void TurnOn();
Car : ICar
void TurnOn()
Interface ICal
Void TurnOn();
double SumNumbers( double number1, double number2 )
return number1+ number2
Calculator : ICal
void TurnOn()
Extension Everything:
This proposal was reported as an issue in github and you can see the summary in the following link:
For example, an extension of a class person:
extension MyPersonExtension extends Person
public int NumberOfFingers()
get { … }
You can find more information in the following links:
Top comments (1)
Amazing!! Thanks for Sharing..