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Bardia Mostafavi
Bardia Mostafavi

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Behavioral Design Patterns In C#

if you are new , I highly recommend you to read my first and second articles which are about Creational Design Patterns and Structural Design Patterns In C#.

As we explained in earlier post , we have three main categories in Design Patterns :

  1. Creational
  2. Structural
  3. Behavioral

Behavioral Design Patterns mainly focus on the communication between objects and the interactions between them by algorithm and their responsibilities.

Chain of Responsibility

this pattern is use to passing request along multiple handler, so it prevents from coupling request to handle by one handler.

    public interface IHandler
        public IHandler SetNext(IHandler handler);

        public object Handle(object input);

    public class Handler : IHandler
        private IHandler _handler;

        public IHandler SetNext(IHandler handler)
            _handler = handler;

            return handler;

        public virtual object Handle(object input)
            return _handler?.Handle(input);

    public class HandlerA : Handler
        public override object Handle(object input)
            if (input as string == "A")
                Console.WriteLine("HandlerA said : gotcha you ! that's enough go back");
                return true;

            Console.WriteLine("HandlerA said : i can not do anything calling next handler");
            return base.Handle(input);

    public class HandlerB : Handler
        public override object Handle(object input)
            if (input as string == "B")
                Console.WriteLine("HandlerB said : gotcha you ! that's enough go back");
                return true;

            Console.WriteLine("HandlerB said : i can not do anything calling next handler");
            return base.Handle(input);

    public class HandlerC : Handler
        public override object Handle(object input)
            if (input as string == "C")
                Console.WriteLine("HandlerC said : gotcha you ! that's enough go back");
                return true;

            Console.WriteLine("HandlerC said : chain is useless for you , this is end of the road bro.");
            return base.Handle(input);

    public static class ChainOfResponsibilityExample
        public static void Test()
            var handlerA = new HandlerA();
            var handlerB = new HandlerB();
            var handlerC = new HandlerC();


            var resultOne = handlerA.Handle("A");
            var resultTwo = handlerA.Handle("B");
            var resultThree = handlerA.Handle("C");
            var resultFour = handlerA.Handle("D");

        // resultOne :
        // HandlerA said : gotcha you ! that's enough go back
        // resultTwo :
        // HandlerA said : i can not do anything calling next handler
        // HandlerB said : gotcha you ! that's enough go back
        // resultThree :
        // HandlerA said : i can not do anything calling next handler
        // HandlerB said : i can not do anything calling next handler
        // HandlerC said : gotcha you ! that's enough go back
        // resultFour :
        // HandlerA said : i can not do anything calling next handler
        // HandlerB said : i can not do anything calling next handler
        // HandlerC said : chain is useless for you , this is end of the road bro.
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this pattern is use to transform request to a object so you can delay or queue or parameterize request. and do undoable operations.

    public interface ICommand
        public void Execute();

    public class ExampleCommand : ICommand
        private readonly string _parameter;

        public ExampleCommand(string parameter)
            _parameter = parameter;

        public void Execute()

    public static class Invoker
        public static void SendAction(ICommand command)

    public static class CommandExample
        public static void Test()
            var command = new ExampleCommand("Query filter setup and executed");


        //Query filter setup and executed
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its main goal is to traverse elements of collection without exposing them.

    public abstract class IteratorBase
        public abstract bool EndOfDocument();
        public abstract object Current();
        public abstract object Next();
        public abstract object First();

    public class Iterator : IteratorBase
        private readonly List<object> _customList;
        private int current = 0;

        public Iterator(List<object> customList)
            _customList = customList;

        public override bool EndOfDocument()
            if (current >= _customList.Count - 1)
                return true;
            return false;

        public override object Current()
            return _customList[0];

        public override object Next()
            if (current < _customList.Count - 1)
                return _customList[++current];

            return null;

        public override object First()
            return _customList[0];

    public static class IteratorExample
        public static void Test()
            var ourList = new List<object>() {"a", "b", "c", "d"};

            var iterator = new Iterator(ourList);

            Console.WriteLine("lets Iterate on list");

            var item = iterator.First();
            while (item != null)
                item = iterator.Next();

            if (iterator.EndOfDocument())
                Console.WriteLine("Iterate done");

        // lets Iterate on list
        // a
        // b
        // c
        // d
        // Iterate done
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it is use for get different type and behavior on same context , and usually use in language scenario in software design.

    internal class Context
        public string Value { get; private set; }

        public Context(string value)
            Value = value;

    internal abstract class Interpreter    
        public abstract void Interpret(Context context);    

    internal class EnglishInterpreter : Interpreter
        public override void Interpret(Context context)
            switch (context.Value)
                case "1" :
                case "2" : 

    internal class FarsiInterpreter : Interpreter
        public override void Interpret(Context context)
            switch (context.Value)
                case "3" :
                case "4" : 

    public static class InterpreterExample
        public static void Test()
            var interpreters = new List<Interpreter>()
                new EnglishInterpreter(),
                new FarsiInterpreter()

            var context = new Context("2");

            interpreters.ForEach(c => c.Interpret(context));

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the goal of this pattern is to decoupling direct communication between objects and forces them to pass from a mediator object for communicating.

    public interface IMediator
        public void Send(string message, Caller caller);

    public class Mediator : IMediator
        public CallerA CallerA { get; set; }
        public CallerB CallerB { get; set; }

        public void Send(string message, Caller caller)
            if (caller.GetType() == typeof(CallerA))

    public abstract class Caller
        protected readonly IMediator _mediator;

        public Caller(IMediator mediator)
            _mediator = mediator;

    public class CallerA : Caller
        public void SendRequest(string msg)

        public void ReceiveRequest(string msg)
            Console.WriteLine("CallerA Received : " + msg);

        public CallerA(IMediator mediator) : base(mediator)


    public class CallerB : Caller
        public void SendRequest(string msg)

        public void ReceiveRequest(string msg)
            Console.WriteLine("CallerB Received : " + msg);

        public CallerB(IMediator mediator) : base(mediator)


    public static class MediatorExample
        public static void Test()
            var mediator = new Mediator();
            var callerA = new CallerA(mediator);
            var callerB = new CallerB(mediator);

            mediator.CallerA = callerA;
            mediator.CallerB = callerB;

            callerA.SendRequest("hello how are you ?");
            callerB.SendRequest("fine tnx");


        //CallerB Received : hello how are you ?
        //CallerA Received : fine tnx
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this pattern is use for saving state of object with considering state encapsulation. so you can restores object's first state even after multiple manipulation.

    public class Memento
        private readonly string _state;

        public Memento(string state)
            _state = state;

        public string GetState()
            return _state;

    public class CareTaker
        private Memento _memento;

        public void SaveMemento(Originator originator)
            _memento = originator.CreateMemento();

        public void RestoreMemento(Originator originator)

    public class Originator
        public string State { get; set; }

        public Originator(string state)
            State = state;

        public Memento CreateMemento()
            return new Memento(State);

        public void RestoreState(Memento memento)
            State = memento.GetState();

    public static class MementoExample
        public static void Test()
            var originator = new Originator("First Value");

            var careTaker = new CareTaker();



            originator.State = "Second Value";




        //First Value
        //Second Value
        //First Value
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it is use to handle one to many communication between objects , so if one object's state changed , its dependent objects will notify and will update.

    public class Updater
        public string NewState { get; }

        private readonly List<ObserverBase> _observers = new List<ObserverBase>();

        public Updater(string newState)
            NewState = newState;

        public void AddObserver(ObserverBase observerBase)

        public void BroadCast()
            foreach (var observer in _observers)

    public abstract class ObserverBase
        public abstract void Update();

    public class Observer : ObserverBase
        private readonly string _name;
        public string State;
        private readonly Updater _updater;

        public Observer(string name, string state, Updater updater)
            _name = name;
            State = state;
            _updater = updater;

        public override void Update()
            State = _updater.NewState;
            Console.WriteLine($"Observer {_name} State Changed to : " + State);

    public static class ObserverExample
        public static void Test()
            var updater = new Updater("Fire");

            updater.AddObserver(new Observer("1", "dust", updater));
            updater.AddObserver(new Observer("2", "water", updater));
            updater.AddObserver(new Observer("3", "air", updater));


        //Observer 1 State Changed to : Fire
        //Observer 2 State Changed to : Fire
        //Observer 3 State Changed to : Fire
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with this pattern object can change its behavior whenever its state changed.

    internal interface IState
        public void Handle(Context context);

    internal class StateA : IState
        public void Handle(Context context)
            context.State = new StateB();

    internal class StateB : IState
        public void Handle(Context context)
            context.State = new StateA();

    internal class Context
        private IState _state;
        public IState State
            get => _state;
                _state = value;
                Console.WriteLine("State: " + _state.GetType().Name);

        public Context(IState state)
            State = state;

        public void Action()

    public static class StateExample
        public static void Test()
            var context = new Context(new StateA());


        //State: StateA
        //State: StateB
        //State: StateA
        //State: StateB
        //State: StateA
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this pattern is use to encapsulate family of algorithm and makes them interchangeable . so they can independently change without any tight coupling.

    internal interface IStrategy
        public void AlgorithmAction();

    internal class AlgorithmStrategyA : IStrategy
        public void AlgorithmAction()
            Console.WriteLine("Strategy A is taking place");

    internal class AlgorithmStrategyB : IStrategy
        public void AlgorithmAction()
            Console.WriteLine("Strategy B is taking place");

    internal class Context
        private readonly IStrategy _strategy;

        public Context(IStrategy strategy)
            _strategy = strategy;

        public void GeneralAction()

    public static class StrategyExample
        public static void Test()
            var context = new Context(new AlgorithmStrategyA());


            context = new Context(new AlgorithmStrategyB());


        //Strategy A is taking place
        //Strategy B is taking place

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Template Method

in simple word , this pattern includes number of operations on base class and it allows subclasses to only override some of the them.

    internal abstract class TemplateBase
        public void Operate()

        private void FirstAction()
            Console.WriteLine("First action from template base and it is necessary");

        protected virtual void SecondAction()
            Console.WriteLine("Second action from template base and it is overrideable");

    internal class  TemplateMethodA : TemplateBase


    internal class  TemplateMethodB : TemplateBase
        protected override void SecondAction()
            Console.WriteLine("Second action from templateMethodC");

    internal class  TemplateMethodC : TemplateBase
        protected override void SecondAction()
            Console.WriteLine("Second action from templateMethodC");

    public static class TemplateMethod
        public static void Test()
            var templateMethodA = new TemplateMethodA();
            var templateMethodB = new TemplateMethodB();
            var templateMethodC = new TemplateMethodC();



       //First action from template base and it is necessary
       //Second action from template base and it is overrideable

       //First action from template base and it is necessary
       //Second action from templateMethodB

       //First action from template base and it is necessary 
       //Second action from templateMethodC
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the main goal is to add new behavior to class hierarchy without any changing in their code.

    internal interface IVisitor
        public void VisitItem(ItemBase item);

    internal class VisitorA : IVisitor
        public void VisitItem(ItemBase item)
            Console.WriteLine("{0} visited by {1}",item.GetType().Name , this.GetType().Name);

    internal class VisitorB : IVisitor
        public void VisitItem(ItemBase item)
            Console.WriteLine("{0} visited by {1}",item.GetType().Name , this.GetType().Name);

    internal abstract class ItemBase
        public abstract void Accept(IVisitor visitor);

    internal class ItemA : ItemBase
        public override void Accept(IVisitor visitor)

        public void ExtraOperationA()


    internal class ItemB : ItemBase
        public override void Accept(IVisitor visitor)

        public void ExtraOperationB()


    internal class StructureBuilder
        readonly List<ItemBase> _items = new();
        public void AddItem(ItemBase element)
        public void Accept(IVisitor visitor)
            foreach (var item in _items)

    public static class VisitorExample
        public static void Test()
            var structure = new StructureBuilder();

            structure.AddItem(new ItemA());
            structure.AddItem(new ItemB());

            structure.Accept(new VisitorA());
            structure.Accept(new VisitorB());

        //ItemA visited by VisitorA
        //ItemB visited by VisitorA
        //ItemA visited by VisitorB
        //ItemB visited by VisitorB
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