DEV Community

Matteo Ruggiero
Matteo Ruggiero

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My Hacktoberfest 2020 experience

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Who am I

I'm Matteo Ruggiero from Italy and i joined DEV community and GitHub in general for studying purpose...i then saw Hacktoberfest 2020 on my explore tab and decided to participate


I started on October 10th and my contributions ended the review period today...i'm so excited to share this!!


I followed the video instructions of DigitalOcean and did my first contribution to cloud haiku getting in touch with this japanese type of poetry and even translating their in Italian to help new non-english speaker italian users understand how to write a correct Haiku (we have difficult syllabation).
After my first days on GitHub i found a project of game development fully dedicated to Hacktoberfest 2020 that i'm currently contributing to: crystal-bit and helped composing some music themes and coding easy things (it was a good experience because i'm learning a lot)


Overall, my Hacktoberfest 2020 experience has been very productive and challenging... I think i'll participate in the next years #hacktoberfest #opensource

Top comments (1)

waylonwalker profile image
Waylon Walker

Great to hear that you were inspired to make your first contributions to open source through hacktoberfest