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Simon Emms
Simon Emms

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Compiling SQLite for Multi-Arch Docker

Compiling SQLite for Multi-Arch Docker

Recently, I wrote about building Docker containers for different processor architectures in order to be able to run containers on Raspberry Pis and similar. As in that article, that's very useful for being able to benefit from cheaper cloud space or speed up development for Internet of Things (IoT) devices.

As NodeJS is an interpreted language (or transpiled, in the case of TypeScript), you will rarely be compiling your files into a binary and most of the npm packages you will work with will also be simple JS files. One obvious exception is if you intend to use SQLite3.

Why use SQLite?

SQLite is a great little database when used correctly. It requires very little resources to run so a perfect choice if you wish to have a database on your device - handy for either IoT applications or if you have a small app where an external database is more hassle than it's worth. It also uses a single file, access and backup is simple. Sure it has drawbacks too, but often these are only a problem when you need to scale-up.

What's the problem?

The SQLite3 package has C/C++ bindings. Unlike NodeJS, C/C++ is a compiled language which needs a binary and that is linked to your processor architecture. The SQLite3 maintainers do provide some pre-built binaries, but none for the Raspberry Pi.

As well as having to build the SQLite3 npm package, there is also a dependency on the SQLite package for your machine. The default search location for this is in a different place to where the npm install script looks. So it compiles this during the install process - on an emulated ARM Docker container, this can take a long time. In some of my repos, I'm seeing this lasting over an hour.

This is clearly not a sustainable solution.

What's the solution?

The source files for this example are available onGitLab

The solution is to remove the SQLite3 package from your npm dependencies during yournpm install process, install the SQLite package for your operating system and build the bindings manually.

This assumes an Alpine container (the arm32v6 image only uses Alpine) but it's the same idea if using a different operating system. In your Dockerfile, you will need to input this blob of code:

RUN apk add --no-cache g++ git jq make python sqlite sqlite-dev \
  && NODE_SQLITE_VERSION=$(cat node_modules/sqlite3/package.json | jq '.version' --raw-output) \
  && npm un sqlite3 -S \
  && npm i --production \
  && wget${NODE_SQLITE_VERSION}.zip -O /opt/ \
  && mkdir -p /opt/sqlite3 \
  && unzip /opt/ -d /opt/sqlite3 \
  && cd /opt/sqlite3/node-sqlite3-${NODE_SQLITE_VERSION} \
  && npm install \
  && ./node_modules/.bin/node-pre-gyp install --fallback-to-build --build-from-source --sqlite=/usr/bin --python=$(which python) \
  && mv /opt/sqlite3/node-sqlite3-${NODE_SQLITE_VERSION} /opt/app/node_modules/sqlite3 \
  && apk del g++ git jq make python \
  && rm -Rf /opt/sqlite3 /opt/
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It's quite sizeable, so let's go through each section individually:

Install your dependencies

apk add --no-cache g++ git jq make python sqlite sqlite-dev
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In order to compile the bindings, you need g++ make python sqlite-dev. sqlite is required in the container. jq is required by this process. git is sometimes required by install dependencies.

Get the SQLite3 version

NODE_SQLITE_VERSION=$(cat node_modules/sqlite3/package.json | jq '.version' --raw-output)
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We need to find the GitHub release URL of the version that npm installed. In order to do that, we use jq to find the version that was downloaded. We will use this later when downloading from GitHub

Remove SQLite3 from your application

npm un sqlite3 -S && npm i --production
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We need to now remove sqlite3 package from your container. Because of the installcommand, if we kept it in it would start to compile everything. As good practice, I install all my dependencies from my package.json - this will be the same as your normal ones, with the exception of sqlite3.

Download SQLite3

wget${NODE_SQLITE_VERSION}.zip -O /opt/ \
  && mkdir -p /opt/sqlite3 \
  && unzip /opt/ -d /opt/sqlite3
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This downloads the release from GitHub and extracts it to /opt/sqlite3. This will become the compiled SQLite3 bindings that we'll eventually use in our container.

Compile SQLite3

cd /opt/sqlite3/node-sqlite3-${NODE_SQLITE_VERSION} \
  && npm install \
  && ./node_modules/.bin/node-pre-gyp install --fallback-to-build --build-from-source --sqlite=/usr/bin --python=$(which python)
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This is the big one. This installs the dependencies and compiles the bindings. This will take about 3-5 minutes to compile - still, this is a big improvement on my previous experience of over an hour.

NB. This is slightly different from the READMEas I found that npm install --build-from-source didn't actually run the compilation. This is copied from the install script in package.json

Add to the application

mv /opt/sqlite3/node-sqlite3-${NODE_SQLITE_VERSION} /opt/app/node_modules/sqlite3
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Now the bindings are compiled, they need to be put into our application (which is at /opt/app)


apk del g++ git jq make python \
  && rm -Rf /opt/sqlite3 /opt/
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As a good developer, we need to clean up after ourselves. Remove all the dependencies that are no longer required and the files/folders we've finished with. Although they're small, Alpine containers are designed to be as small as possible.

Now you will have a fully-built version of the SQLite3 npm package inside your container that only took a fraction of the time to install. It uses an official release as well, so there's no issue with undocumented/broken features getting into your application.

This process can also be used for other packages with C/C++ bindings.

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