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Mridul Tiwari
Mridul Tiwari

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How should I start with programming? "Its all just a dabble"

If anything I want you to conclude from this Blog, It is this quote right here.

"If he was lost for a moment, he would dive straight back into its honey. ~ Laurence Olivier ".

My very blunt Experience

Of how it feels to begin on the journey of learning programming as not just a curriculum but my career.


I think it was around April or May of the last Year i.e. 2021. When I was studying for my exams of JEE taking a year drop and all my school friends were in some Colleges pursuing their degrees. I was bored enough and I got a hunch to do something to improve my soft skills. And pretty soon I realized I can't do it alone. I need some sort of a partner to do this. All in All, I and my friends started a small podcast to talk about teenage stuff namely WTeenF.


And we started building websites or I should say they began building website designs for the podcast and this made me interested in learning what in the world are they doing cause as long as I remember I never learnt anything in HTML that let me make such beautiful websites I was flabbergasted by it. So I researched my day off and found it was CSS behind all that and this led me ways to find out where can I learn CSS from. Then I came across GFG(Geeks for Geeks) it gave me all the written stuff to understand what was programmers using in CSS.
And Yes I said programmers as I didn't consider myself anything back then than just a normal kid, not a programmer for sure.
But I am not that much of learning from text kinda guy so I searched two more days off and for various influencers that are doing God's job of making all that text summarized or let's just say explain it to us such as freecodecamp and w3schools are some of my favourite sites and youtube channel as in the case of former one to learn the codebase of CSS. Their teaching method of learning via programming side by side made me fall in love with the subject at hand and I still love any course they put up there. Obviously, I was excited enough then and kept doing these things and started building different projects some of which are already available for everyone to try and just some beginner-friendly stuff.

Experience with Git

That journey kicked off then and I soon learnt Git. And for those of you who don't know what Git is don't worry I will quote what the internet has to say about it:

"Git is software for tracking changes in any set of files, usually used for coordinating work among programmers collaboratively developing source code during software development."

In layman language, it is software to run open-source projects on your device and push your enhancements or fixes to that open source project, which will be available to everybody.
It is by the way was a totally reversed experience from the previous ones for me. As I couldn't learn Git via any youtube video and Just by chance after searching a lot about it and finding things on my recommended page I found a Course on Git on Udacity and here is its link:
And finally learnt what GitHub is.

What life might throw at you

By this time I had already entered my college first semester and then I found a creator namely "KUNAL KUSHWAHA". This man is really doing some amazing work and I started learning java from him. And for the record, it was not an easy hill for me because my laptop couldn't support any languages Compiler or IDLE nor a text editor other than Sublime Text. So all of my java course was practised on an online compiler namely replit.


So this was my journey to the point where I am now and what I can say from all this is, Actually the only thing that has been stopping me from doing anything is the fear of not knowing what it is for me in this in my future. But whenever I dive straight into it I have found myself learning and progressing fairly well...

"With that BEST OF LUCK to all of you people in your journey as well".

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