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Pranav Bakare
Pranav Bakare

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In SQL, a SAVEPOINT is used to create a point within a transaction that you can roll back to without affecting the entire transaction. It allows you to temporarily save the state of a transaction and revert to that state if needed, making it useful for managing errors or controlling the flow of complex transactions.

Key Features of SAVEPOINT

  1. Set a Savepoint:

You can define multiple savepoints within a transaction, each acting as a temporary save state.


SAVEPOINT savepoint_name;

  1. Rollback to a Savepoint:

If an error occurs or if you need to undo specific changes, you can roll back to a previously set savepoint.


ROLLBACK TO savepoint_name;

  1. Continue or Commit:

You can continue executing statements after rolling back to a savepoint, and when you are ready, you can COMMIT the entire transaction.

  1. Scope of SAVEPOINT:

SAVEPOINTs are effective only within the transaction they are set. Once the transaction is committed or rolled back entirely, the savepoints are lost.

Example Scenario

Let's say you are adding multiple records to an orders table, and you want to ensure partial success in case an error occurs:

BEGIN; -- Start a new transaction

-- Step 1: Insert a new order
INSERT INTO orders (order_id, customer_name, amount) VALUES (1, 'Alice', 100);
SAVEPOINT order1_inserted; -- Create a savepoint after the first insert

-- Step 2: Insert another order
INSERT INTO orders (order_id, customer_name, amount) VALUES (2, 'Bob', 200);
SAVEPOINT order2_inserted; -- Create another savepoint

-- Step 3: Attempt to insert an order with a duplicate ID (this will cause an error)
INSERT INTO orders (order_id, customer_name, amount) VALUES (1, 'Charlie', 150);

-- An error occurs here due to a duplicate primary key.
-- Instead of rolling back the entire transaction, roll back to the last successful savepoint
ROLLBACK TO order2_inserted;

-- Now you can continue with other operations
INSERT INTO orders (order_id, customer_name, amount) VALUES (3, 'David', 250);

-- Step 4: Commit the transaction to save all changes made before and after the savepoint rollback

Explanation of the Example

  1. BEGIN;: Starts the transaction.

  2. SAVEPOINT order1_inserted;: Sets a savepoint after inserting the first order. If something goes wrong later, you can revert to this point.

  3. SAVEPOINT order2_inserted;: Sets a second savepoint after inserting the second order.

  4. Error Handling:

An attempt is made to insert a row with a duplicate order_id, causing an error.

Instead of rolling back the entire transaction, the command ROLLBACK TO order2_inserted; is used to undo only the problematic part, retaining other successful operations.

  1. Commit: Once the transaction proceeds without issues, COMMIT is used to make all changes permanent.


Purpose: SAVEPOINTs allow partial rollbacks within a transaction, giving more control over transaction flow and error handling.

Usage: They are useful when handling complex operations where certain actions might fail, allowing recovery without undoing the entire transaction.

Limitations: Savepoints are lost once the transaction is committed or fully rolled back.

Using SAVEPOINT can help you create robust and flexible SQL transaction management, especially when dealing with multiple steps that could potentially fail.

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