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Mr TacticalPotato
Mr TacticalPotato

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Golden App Ideas

I recently (about a month ago) found myself wanting to take on a project in the span from 6 months to 2-3 years, to make a piece of software or hardware, or possibly a combination of both that is actually smart and useful, that could be anything from a simple idea like “A Smart Browser Tab Manager”, or a “AI powered web Scrapper”, all the way up to the golden ideas like “The internet” or “The telephone”, or a “Social Media Platform”, or “Youtube” etch. Unequivocally “qood” ideas. So, I started scouring the web for ideas from simple google searches, reddit forums, quora forums, google pattents, kickstarter campains, quirky, chatgpt prompts, and basically every source of ideas I could think of that the internet has to offer. As you might expect, coming up with such an idea, is not the easiest task in the world to say the least, evidently so, primarily due to the few important parameters it needs to check:

  • 1) Be genuinely useful and something people actually would want to use, either solving a problem or improving the quality of life or even just doing something better than the available options. It’s gotta have, potential. Preferably.
  • 2) Referring to as large an customer base as possible. That is not to say it can’t be a niece idea, like a Smart Youtube Extension that obviously only refers to youtube users but ideally you would want it to be something most if all (potentially) people could benefit f
  • 3) Doesn’t require Corporation-level funding (Thousands or Millions of Green) , personnel and time ( 5-25+ years)
  • 4) Can actually be implemented. There are multiple, numerous ideas that I came across and thought about that sound good in theory but when you get to the planning phase, you realise that it’s either not feasible or worth making.
  • 5) Doesn’t require insurmountable knowledge. Now, I am willing to admit that as far as knowing things go, I rank pretty low in general but I am willing to learn as much as humanly possibly to achieve my goals. That being said, I am only human and sadly, there is so much I can do with the time I have.
  • 6) Preferably, not something that’s already being implemented or is in the makings. I am not looking to build a full-blown competitive business here that’s just highly unlikely to borderline impossible, should I ever be so hopeful.
  • 7) Tech-based. Ideas that have some correlation to technology like an ios/android or computer app, a smart device, a webap or extension, a widget or what have you. Not looking for a smart hose type of thing. Although, genuinely smart ideas no matter the target scope of theme, are always appreciated. All in all, I am at this stage now, stuck and wondering about my life choices, and desperately trying to find ideas left and right that could potentially be something close to what I am looking for. I myself am a computer science student and use a computer for a lot of things in my daily life, ( not that I necessarily, want to make something specifically focused for computer use, but I am trying to figure out what I would want in my life that doesn’t exist already or what would I want to be better). If anyone has any idea that might, potentially meet that criteria and you feel like you wanna share it with me, I would be grateful. Thank you in advance. Here are some of the ideas that most suited what I am looking for, thorough all the searches I did so far:
  • 1 - Smart Youtube Extension:
  • The program would have to work with youtube’s API to enable features like:
  • - Smart playlists
  • Basically, a playlist that videos get added to automatically based on your subscriptions, and most likely content that you’d want to see.
  • - Advanced organizing and sorting
  • Provide options such as sort by video uploader, date, duration etch.
  • - Auto-delete when finished
  • Automatically removes a video from your playlists if you have seen 99.9 percent of it
  • - Smart Like/Subscribe
  • Automatically likes/subscribes to the video/channel based on how engaged you are with the channel and it’s content. Could also implement a feature where you automatically unsubscribe from a channel if you don’t see their uploaded videos for too long or after being shown them in your home page for too many times.
  • - Other Improvements
  • Youtube’s api provides some is agile enough that allows for many features and improvements to be implemented in the future
  • Most Significant Challenges:
  • - Technical skills
  • - Possibly requires a good grasp of Python, C, C++, Java, Go coding languages
  • - Application challenges
  • - Requires a good understanding of algorithms and evaluation systems in order to be able to judge which videos to be added, liked and channels to be subscribed etc.
  • - In addition, youtube’s API only allows SOME functionality, making it hard to implement all of the required aspects properly.
  • - Possible Obsoletion
  • Since this would possibly be a third-party app, as youtube improves and gets more and more features added, usefulness of the program may become obsolete.
  • - Competitive Subject
  • Although I couldn’t find anything specific for this exact topic, youtube is a huge platform with over 2 Billion Monthly Users, which means people are constantly looking for ways to improve upon it.

  • Why is my phone moving?:

  • The app notifies you as soon as the GPS tracker starts moving when it is activated. Let me explain.

  • Imagine a tiny product, the size of a small cracker, that you can latch on to pretty much anything ( a bike, a car, back of a phone, keys, etc), and it acts simply as a gps tracker which can send it’s exact location to an app only when needed.

  • Usage: You would potentially apply many of these small devices to any one object you would like to be able to tell at any point in time one of two things either:

    • It’s current geo location
    • If it’s location was changed
  • Example: Consider a scenario when you are sitting on a coffee shop having a drink and all of the sudden you get a notification from your app that your wallet/keys are currently moving away from you, while you are sitting comfortably on your chair. Hate to break it to you but you probably just moments ago where robbed. Better take it up with the police.

  • Now consider an alternative scenario when you go up to your car and you realise you don’t have your car keys on you, you would go to the app and request a gps location to be sent to your phone from the tracker on your keys. Of course, that would mean that the device would have to use very accurate gps tracking, much like google’s precise location function.

  • That way product works as a cheap, all-arround, anti-theft and locator device. Since it is basically just a gps tracker, the only real problem is concealment. Of course, this device is obsolete to anything that already has a gps functionality.

  • That's Not What I Said!

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you’re having an argument with someone and they say “But you said this!”, and you are like “I never said that!”, or the other way around and wished you could prove who’s in the right? Me too.

An app that basically acts as an sound recorder for the purpose of preserving conversations in order to be able to prove what was or was not said.

The app would have to be able to run with minimal energy consumption because it would have to run constantly OR possibly implement a feature to only record when it hears a voice, possibly splitting the recordings, naming them and labeling them for future reference.

It would also need to provide an interface which would allow you to quickly search for specific conversations based on either title, words spoken, time of recording etc.

Probably the most challenging part of the app is making it so it’s useful and practical enough and runs on low-enough energy that it’s actually worth having on your device instead of just manually open any sound recording apps to record a conversation whenever you explicitly want to.

  • The Price is Right

An app that allows you to scan the barcode of any product and it automatically compares it with prices in other stores.

The app would have to be able to identify the item and run it through a database of possible stores that have the item and check it’s price and availability in order to be able to provide a recommendation maybe in the form of a “Product Score”, based on the price relative to other prices in nearby stores as well as the median price or highest/lowest price.

It could also factor in, distance, availability, store ratings, product ratings or custom filtering.
Possible additional Implementation: Product Comparator
Basically, the program receives an input (either as text or image most likely), about a product the user wants to find (anything from clothing, tools, gear, games, fashion items to food related products. Afterwards, it scours the internet and finds the exact specifications of the product (arguably this will be done better through the manufacturer), and the once again crawls into the web and finds all instances where the object is available for purchase. The program would have to :

  • Be able to find most if not all available instances of the object as well as determine their legitimacy
  • Have the possibility for the user to compare multiple objects

  • No One’s Done That Already?

Basically the idea is targeted towards content creators. The end product would be an app or extension that would take a prompt, maybe a specific category, entertainment, educational, nature, cooking or what have you, possibly along with other parameters and then generate a template for making a video, that would include information like, title, concept, execution, tags, reffered audience etch, so then the creator can procede to potentially improve and then make the video.
The app would have to use youtube’s api to access statistics of multiple videos in different categories, evaluate them overall (interactions, comments, views per hour etch), evaluate their specific parameters (theme, pace, topic etch), and then provide a compete video concept.
This idea probably would need to implement AI, one way or another in order to generate the actual prompt for the video idea or even just to grade the enormous amount of videos that it would have to take into account.

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