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not Michal
not Michal

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Free blog setup with GitHub and Hugo

I recently moved my blog from Wordpress hosted on DigitalOcean to Hugo hosted on GitHub pages. Here's how and why I did it.


Because I'm cheap and spending ~10$/month for a blog that gets close to 0 traffic and close to 0 attention from the owner hurts my onion hearth.

What's Hugo?

Hugo is a static site generator (SSG) written in Go. It's main strength is speed of generation, but I like it for other reasons:

  • Convention over configuration
  • "All you need" features out of the box
  • Maybe not the biggest but definitely high quality community
  • Easy to understand, no magic source code
  • Markdown 💖

Migrating content

Hugo content is written in Markdown so I had to transform it. And since my blog had at the time enormous amount of content, i.e. 2 posts, I did that manually using .

The easiest way is to simply open each blog post, inspect the source in Chrome, find the first wrapping dom node in the inspector, right click and select "Copy outerHTML". Paste result in to and enjoy freshly baked Markdown.

If You need your old posts to appear under the same URL You can use aliases field in post frontmatter.


GitHub distingushes 3 types of pages: personal, organization and project. Since it's a personal blog I followed the guidelines for that type. In this case GitHub requires that the repo must be named after the username, in my case
Side benefit of this naming scheme is that the repo's README becomes your profile README.

I was worried that I will need to learn GitHub Actions to run hugo build, but suprisingly once GitHub notices that the repo is a Hugo project I got predefined build configuration suggested and it works flowlessly (awesome job GH!).

Custom domain

To set up custom domain for GitHub Pages I had to verify that I own the domain, which boils down to setting some TXT record in DNS.

On thing that I noticed once the project was available at is that assets are not loading and paths are wrong. Turns out that Hugo be default uses relative paths which is problematic since GH Pages uses username path prefix, e.g.
In order for things to work correctly with path prefix I had to force Hugo to use absolute paths when generating HTMLs. Fortunately it's as easy as setting canonifyURLs = true in config.toml. That's it!


Moving everything took me probably less than 2h which I find a great result. Developer experience both on GitHub side as well as Hugo is top notch.
10$/month more in my pocket is also top notch 🤑.

Originially posted on my blog at

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