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Laravel local scopes: easy, simple and clear.

Scopes allow you to define prebuilt scopes(filters) that you can use either every time your query a model with a specific method chain (Local Scope).

Let's take this example:

$newBlackCars = Car::where('type' , 'like' , 'manual')->where('color' , 'like' , 'black')->get();
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The request above will return all black cars where the type is manual.

But what if we could make it more simple and shorter?

Something like:

$blackManualCars = Car::blackManuals()->get();
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Yes we can! Thanks to the local scope :

class Car
    public function scopeBlackManuals($query){
          return $query->where('type' , 'like' , 'manual')->where('color' , 'like' , 'black')->get();

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To define a local scope, we add a method to the Eloquent class that begins with scope then the title-cased version of the scope name. Also as you can see this method is passed a query builder that you can modify before returning and of course needs to return a query builder.

Also, It's possible to define scope that accept parameters:

class Car
    public function scopeBlackType($query, $type){
          return $query->where('type' , 'like' , $type)->where('color' , 'like' , 'black')->get();

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Then you can use this like :

$blackTypeCars = Car::blacktype()->get();
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