Everybody faced this on a new or large project: You’ve been given a bug to fix and you have no idea where to start and what Activity/Fragment it belongs to. You need to know it to find a piece of evidence and sometimes it might be a complicated process.
Alright, to locate the Activity where this bug occurs, simply navigate to the corresponding screen on your device and execute the command:
$ adb shell dumpsys activity activities \
| grep com.huawei.smarthome | grep Hist \
| awk -F '[{}]' '{print $2}' | cut -d ' ' -f3
# Output: com.huawei.smarthome/.activity.MainActivity
Quite long, isn’t it? Let’s break it down.
- dumpsys — a tool that provides information about system services
- adb shell dumpsys activity — provides information about the state of the activity manager (tasks, processes, activities). We are interested in activities currently. The output of this is enormously big. We need to filter it.
- grep com.huawei.smarthome | grep Hist - used to extract information for the concrete package (com.huawei.smarthome in our case) and show only the activity stack.
- awk -F ‘[{}]’ ‘{print $2}’ | cut -d ‘ ‘ -f3 — tricky command to extract only the Activity name from the output.
It’s hard enough to remember and enter each time by hand. But you can simplify it:
- create an alias
- find by reverse-i-search each time
- use the autocomplete feature of your terminal
So, you can simplify it a bit. But what if you have more than 1 device connected? adb will ask you to specify a device ID to run the command on.
That’s how to fix it:
❯ adb devices
List of devices attached
78f2ba2b device
❯ adb -s 78f2ba2b shell dumpsys activity activities \
| grep com.huawei.smarthome | grep Hist \
| awk -F '[{}]' '{print $2}' | cut -d ' ' -f3
- List IDs of all connected devices
- Copy needed device ID
- Pass it with the -s parameter to the adb command
The main problem with writing a chain of commands is:
- It’s big and hard to remember
- You always need to run an additional command to find a list of connected devices (if there is more than 1)
- No output if nothing found
I propose a handy version with only 1 required option and out-of-the-box autocompletion to choose between available devices:
Compare this chain of commands with lista:
Old approach:
❯ adb devices
List of devices attached
78f2ba2b device
❯ adb -s 78f2ba2b shell dumpsys activity activities \
| grep com.huawei.smarthome | grep Hist \
| awk -F '[{}]' '{print $2}' | cut -d ' ' -f3
New approach:
❯ lista -p com.huawei.smarthome -s 78f2ba2b
Serial ID: 78f2ba2b
Package name: com.huawei.smarthome
Activity stack:
As observed, this approach results in less typing yet provides more information. Although the command appears somewhat lengthy, the autocomplete feature effectively compensates for its length.
It has only 3 options:
-s serial id - device serial ID. Autocompletable field.
It should be used if more than one Android device is connected to your machine.
-p package name (required unless -h is used).
Example: -p "com.google.mail"
-h get help
Usage: lista [options]
It’s the output from the command manual. If it’s not quite self-explanatory, let’s see examples.
# If only one device is attached
lista -p "com.google.mail"
# If multiple devices are connected, add serial ID with the -s option. Autocompletable field
lista -p "com.google.mail" -s 78f2ba2b
# Help menu
lista -h
You can get acquainted with this tool by exploring its Github repo.
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